“Roe v. Wade Out the Door?”(Illinois Family Spotlight #107)

Monte is joined by Mary Hallan Fiorito, a Visiting Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington D.C., Ms. Fiorito is also a representative of WomenSpeakForThemselves.comMary is an attorney, public speaker, and commentator on issues involving women’s leadership in the Catholic Church, work/life balance for mothers, and Catholic Church administration.

They discuss the current debate about abortion; the midterm elections in terms of pro-lifers and pro-choicers; Donald Trump’s lifetime fluctuation on the Sanctity of Life; a current Illinois law similar to the California mandate struck down by the U. S. Supreme Court (NIFLA v. Berreca) in peril; the predicament some pro-lifers face in this Illinois Gubernatorial race; democrats and open-mindedness toward a pro-life perspective; how life advocates can go on offense; Lake County Right to Life and Bonnie Quirke.

"Roe v. Wade Out the Door?"(Illinois Family Spotlight #107)