PODCAST: A Woman to Stand Up to AOC: Jeanne Ives

Written by Laurie Higgins

Illinoisans and all other Americans who have watched in dismay at the growing power of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), her leftwing collaborators, and her fawning devotees who are rioting in the streets—also known as Harris/Biden voters—should be deeply invested in congressional races around the country. If we help the campaigns of good candidates and get to the polls, we have a chance to increase GOP representation in the U.S. House and retain GOP control of the U.S. Senate.

One of the stellar congressional candidates whom we need in the House is Jeanne Ives who is running in the 6th Congressional District. She’s exactly who the GOP needs to do battle with AOC and her leftist squad, which includes Ilhan Omar, an immigrant who violated immigration law in multiple ways and yet sits in the hallowed halls of Congress pontificating on morality.

Ives is running against a man so devoid of personal integrity that when asked by the Daily Herald to name an American who “most” inspired him named the egregiously obscene, homosexual, and anti-Christian bigot, Dan Savage. The member of Congress against whom Ives is running and who is most inspired by the leadership of Dan Savage is Sean Casten.

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PODCAST: A Woman to Stand Up to AOC: Jeanne Ives