Equipped With The Pro Life Message (Illinois Family Spotlight #372)

In this episode, David Smith and Monte Larrick converse with Evelyn Stenzel, who travels Illinois to equip Christians with the pro-life message.

Equipped With The Pro Life Message (Illinois Family Spotlight #372)
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Where Do You Find Your Identity? (Self Evident #52)

In this episode, we’re featuring Kenna Rose and Alyssa on Paul Scott’s The Good Word radio program. The topic for this discussion is the identity crisis in generation z, and what the solution is. You can find more from Paul Scott by clicking the following link: The Good Word Program

Self Evident
Self Evident
Where Do You Find Your Identity? (Self Evident #52)
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Pro-Life Christianity: Engaging Your Church & Community (Illinois Family Spotlight #371)

Today’s episode is Scott Klusendorf’s second part of his lectures given at IFI’s 2023 worldview conference. Klusendorf is the founder of The Life Training Institute.

Pro-Life Christianity: Engaging Your Church & Community (Illinois Family Spotlight #371)
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Romance Novels (Self Evident #51)

In this episode, Alyssa, Kenna Rose and Jenna discuss the pornography that catches women in its net: Romance Novels.


Single and Satisfied: A Grace Filled Calling for the Unmarried Woman

Self Evident
Self Evident
Romance Novels (Self Evident #51)
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The Case for Life on Hostile Turf (Illinois Family Spotlight #370)

We’re highlighting remarks made by Scott Klusendorf at IFI’s 2023 annual Worldview Conference. Klusendorf is the founder and president of Life Training Institute, which equips pro life advocates to effectively defend their views in the public square. His topic for today’s episode is also timely, given the pro abortion public policies now in place in Illinois.

The Case for Life on Hostile Turf (Illinois Family Spotlight #370)
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The Christian Comeback to COVID-19 (Self Evident #50)

We fear men so much, because we fear God so little. One fear cures another. ~G.K. Chesterton

Today we’re highlighting Kenna Rose and Jenna discussing the potential resurgence of COVID-19, what they think about it and how we as Christians should live despite the rumored future lockdowns. This interview originally aired on The Good Word radio program, which is run by Paul Scott.

Self Evident
Self Evident
The Christian Comeback to COVID-19 (Self Evident #50)
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Pastor Stephen Lee (Illinois Family Spotlight #369)

If we fear God, we fear nothing else. If we don’t fear God, we fear everything, and everyone else. ~Pastor Stephen Lee

Pastor Lee is being charged with disrupting the 2020 Presidential election. People donate directly to the fund by going to IllinoisFamily.org/Contribute and designating their donation to the Pastor Lee Legal Defense Fund or by sending a check payable to Illinois Family Institute at P.O. Box 876, Tinley Park, IL 60477, with “Chaplain Lee” in the memo.… Continue Reading

Taking a Stand: Riley Gaines (Illinois Family Spotlight #368)

In this edition of Spotlight, Monte Larrick converses with Riley Gaines. Gaines’ life was turned upside down when the NCAA allowed a biological male to compete on her team and utilize the women’s locker room. She was a member of the University of Kentucky’s NCAA swim team and the 2022 Southeastern Conference Women’s Swimming and Diving scholar of the year; now she’s speaking out for the protection of women’s sports for safety, privacy and American Values.… Continue Reading

The Bible & Victim Mentality (Self Evident #49)

The only way out of nursing our own victimhood is to turn to Jesus, the only true Victim, who will put it all right. He will do this by forgiving our sins, and by giving us forgiveness for those who have wronged us. ~Pastor Douglas Wilson


We are featuring another interview segment from The Good Word Podcast with Paul Scott on today’s episode. The mentality of victimhood is a prominent mindset in our day and age of shifting blame and responsibility.… Continue Reading

Forgiveness And Setting Boundaries (Self Evident #48)

For many people, especially Christians, the biblical command to forgive can be scary. It raises a lot of anxiety inducing questions, such as

“Doesn’t me forgiving someone mean that everything is ok?,” 

“should things go back to the way they were?,” 

“am I supposed to be best friends with her again?,” or 

“what if they continue their behavior?

In this episode, Alyssa, Brynn and Eliana discuss what forgiveness is and how to implement it while also maintaining boundaries.… Continue Reading