The Black Conservative Summit (IFS #365)

For this edition of Spotlight, highlights from a news conference of 2023 during the Black Conservative Summit in Tinley Park.

Illinois Family Spotlight
Illinois Family Spotlight
The Black Conservative Summit (IFS #365)
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A Covenant Community (SE #62)

“If your first identity is you are a son or daughter of God, then it’s gonna be really easy to go to your Father to find out how to do life.” ~Pastor Steve Cassell

This is the final episode featuring Alyssa’s & Jenna’s interview with pastor Steve Cassell of Beloved Church. Self Evident was greatly blessed and encouraged to meet and hear his story, learn more about his ministry and glean from his wisdom. This specific conversation heavily focuses on the purpose of covenant community, how that covenant community needs to have a foundation in Christ, and how our Sabbath is found in our Savior.… Continue Reading

A Conversation With Darren Bailey (IFS #364)

Darren Bailey is running for Congress! The beloved former State Senator is fighting to let the voice of the people be heard in the halls of the U.S. House, and in this episode of Spotlight, IFA’s David Smith asks him what he would do to ensure a safe border and much more.

To find out how you can support Bailey’s campaign, go to

Illinois Family Spotlight
Illinois Family Spotlight
A Conversation With Darren Bailey (IFS #364)
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The Church That Refused To Close: A 2020 Story (SE #61)

“. . .When you start walking around with the character and the power of God in your life, your heart, your family? Man, that right there makes the devil wet all of his diapers.” ~Pastor Cassell

Alyssa & Jenna had the honor to hear Pastor Steve Cassell’s story last month during a 2 hour interview. This is part 2 of a series–if you’d like to hear the first episode, click here. In this segment, you will hear how Beloved Church responded to Governor J.B.… Continue Reading

Encouragement from Joe Schiedler (IFS #363)

“The time is out of joint. O cursed plight that ever I was born to set it right!” ~Hamlet

Joseph Schiedler has a legacy of 50 years of peaceful, pro-life activism. Schiedler and his wife, Anne, co-founded the Chicago based Pro-Life Action League. During an IFI forum on the pro-life movement back in 2021, Schiedler spoke on moments from his life and work that we would find encouraging and uplifting. Schiedler passed away in 2021 at the age of 91.… Continue Reading

Christians, Politics & A Springfield Update (IFS #362)

Today’s episode highlights an IFI Forum for pastors & leaders, hosted by the Spirit of Liberty Church of God in Markham, IL. In the first half, you will hear from IFI’s David Smith on why Christians should be involved in politics and the 40 Days For Life Campaign. He also notes the unique opportunities the immigration crisis provides for Christ followers. In the second half of the podcast, IFI’s Springfield Lobbyist David Curtain provides a legislative update and what to expect during the upcoming General Assembly session.… Continue Reading

The Story of Pastor Steve Cassell (SE #60)

When Pastor Cassell walked into Self Evident’s recording studio, we had no idea what we were in for. Initially, we had extended an invitation to discuss how his church (Beloved Church) responded to Governor J.B. Pritzker’s shutdown of churches during 2020, and why our generation should be aware of government overreach. However, as we got to know him, we realized that his story needed to be shared and his wisdom tapped into.

What we thought was going to be a 45-minute interaction turned into a fruitful, multiple-hour conversation covering a vast array of topics.… Continue Reading

Hope In Chicago (IFS #361)

Pastor Charles Moodie is building a Crisis Pregnancy Care Center right in the heart of Chicago. And today, we feature his story.

Moodie is the pastor of Chicago City Life Center church. His congregation is involved in several outreach ministries in Englewood community.

Hope In Chicago (IFS #361)
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Springfield Update (IFS #360)

David Curtain is IFI’s Lobbyist in the Illinois General Assembly, and in this episode of Spotlight, Curtain breaks down what this session in Springfield could look like.

Springfield Update (IFS #360)
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Plagiarism, Public Domain & Innocent Until Proven Guilty (SE #59)

In this episode of Self Evident, we discuss 3 viral topics that had America talking– Claudine Gay, Mickey Mouse being in the public domain, and the election ballot.

Self Evident
Self Evident
Plagiarism, Public Domain & Innocent Until Proven Guilty (SE #59)
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