Live Up to America’s God Given Freedoms | Guest: Anni Cyrus (IFS #394)

“As Christians our freedoms are given to us by God, not man. So why are we so afraid of man taking them away? Where is our faith? It is our duty as Christians to speak the truth and deliver the truth. . .we need to look into the level of faith we have lost in order to gain the popularity of our society.” ~Anni Cyrus

Anni Cyrus fled from Iran as a teenager, and now as a legal American citizen, she advocates for God given freedoms, is a human rights activist, and speaks against the horrors of the Islamic religion she experienced as a child bride. In this episode, she talks about how Christians can embrace our God given freedoms – for if Christ is for us, who can be against us?

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Illinois Family Spotlight
Illinois Family Spotlight
Live Up to America's God Given Freedoms | Guest: Anni Cyrus (IFS #394)