“We’re Going To Lose A Lot of Lives, That’s for Sure” (Illinois Family Spotlight #245)
Legislation has consequences. Good legislation can bring about beneficial improvements and protections, but unwise legislation can have harmful, devastating effects on the people who must abide by it. With that dichotomy in mind, this edition of Spotlight takes an in-depth look at the ramifications of repealing Illinois’ Parental Notice of Abortion Act by considering its impact on the unborn child, the underage mother-to-be and her parents, compassionate and helpful pregnancy center workers, and Planned Parenthood’s bottom line.
Kathy Bozyk, the former executive director and current liaison for Southside Pregnancy Center in Evergreen Park joins Monte Larrick to discuss the physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences of abortion on young girls. They also consider how repeal of parental notice will enable predators and sex traffickers while, at the same time, ravaging parental rights and family dynamics.
The second half of the podcast explores Vision 2020 Illinois, a movement to unite pro-life organizations throughout the state to work together to end abortion. Monte and Kathy also address the REACH Act (a radical, comprehensive sex-ed bill that will target students as young as kindergarten) and stress the need for churches to actively support life and pro-life legislation in Illinois.
Please call your state lawmaker at (217) 782-2000 and ask them to oppose a repeal of Illinois’ Parental Notice of Abortion act, oppose the REACH Act, and support the Ultrasound Opportunity Act. Find your lawmaker here.