“Does Illinois Know What It Is Asking For?” (Illinois Family Spotlight #091)
Dave Smith and Monte Larrick recently interviewed Jo McGuire while she was visiting Illinois warning residents about the many consequences of legalizing recreational marijuana. Jo comes from Colorado, where they have had recreational marijuana since 2013.
Jo McGuire serves on the board of directors for the Drug and Alcohol Testing Industry Association and co-chairs the Marijuana Education Committee. She is also a DATIA Certified Professional Collector and Trainer (CPCT) and a Certified Designated Employee Representative Trainer (CDERT) who consults and trains professionals overseeing Safety Sensitive Employees in the compliance of federal DOT guidelines for drug and alcohol screening programs. Jo assists educators with classroom and assembly-style presentations aimed at youth drug prevention and parent awareness and education.
They discuss the impact of marijuana on kids, the impact on mental health, including the negative effects of our service men and women suffering from PTSD, and they also address the argument that marijuana is one of God’s creations, therefore a “good” thing.
Back in March, 68 percent of Cook County voters voted in favor of legalizing recreational marijuana, and Dave Smith said that they “don’t know what they’re asking for.” Jo McGuire agreed, and pointed to her home state of Colorado which legalized it five years ago. “I am very well aware,” McGuire said, “that when folks watch the mainstream media the popular talking points are how well its going in Colorado and that they sky hasn’t fallen.”
Unfortunately, as she explains, they fail to report “the negative consequences — unintended consequences — of things that we do not yet have solutions for.” As a result, Colorado voters feel as if “they were duped” into legalizing recreational marijuana. They heard one thing — “let’s control it, regulate it, and tax it.” But the only regulation is who is allowed to sell it. Beyond that, she said, almost anything goes.
One of the areas most of the public is unaware of is the THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) potency issue of today’s marijuana. THC is the main psychoactive chemical in marijuana. Decades ago, THC levels were between 1 and 3 percent. Today, the levels are easily 12-15 percent and higher, while the levels in edibles such as marijuana laced candies, cookies, sodas and brownies can reach 60-90 percent. “They are not controlled,” McGuire said, “They are out of control.”
The subject then turned to how “Big Marijuana” (as in “Big Tobacco”) is targeting children. In fact, Big Marijuana is borrowing from the Big Tobacco playbook concerning the false claims that they are making. “We are not thinking this through clearly,” McGuire said. “We have the most potent cannabis products in the world coming out of Colorado.”
Studies from New Zealand have shown the serious negative impact marijuana use has on the human brain. The impact is especially harsh for those under 30 years of age. Brain development is stunted for young people, and the damage caused is irreparable. In Colorado the reports of addiction have risen 600 percent in five years, and the diagnosis levels for mental illness are increasing.
Also discussed was the big financial support Leftist billionaire George Soros has provided for the efforts to legalize recreational marijuana, and the fact that Colorado is already talking about “magic mushrooms” as the next drug to legalize. Some supporters of legalization also aim to remove legal restrictions on methamphetamines and heroin.
This is exactly what Illinois can expect. Bills to legalize other drugs have already been introduced.