A Three Stranded Cord: Community & Christ | A Social Lights Conversation (SE #111)

There is no Christian community outside of Christ. The closer you are to Christ, the closer you will draw the ones who you need to be near to. ~Pastor Toby Sumpter

In this episode, Jenna & Kenna discuss the root problem of generation Z’s loneliness with the founders of Social Lights, David Robison & Nathan Bilkis. Social Lights is a community building ministry that Self Evident is partnerning with to host a party that you are cordially invited to:

March 8th is Illinois Family Institute’s annual worldview conference, and this year’s theme is “the High Calling of Marriage and Family” (with a special invitation for generation Z to come for free!). After the conference, a post conference gathering for anyone between the ages of 18-35 will occur for new friendships to be forged and old ones to be strengthened. To register, email theselfevidentpodcast@gmail.com.

Sermon referenced: The Shape of Trinitarian Community

Article referenced: Gen Z, The Lonliness Epidemic. . .

Connect with Social Lights: get in touch through their blog!

Self Evident
Self Evident
A Three Stranded Cord: Community & Christ | A Social Lights Conversation (SE #111)