Category: Uncategorized

Marriage Redefinition Passes in the Illinois House

Marriage Redefinition Passes in the House

Written by Andrew Willis

How did they vote?

Sixty-one state representatives in the Illinois House cave in to pressure from Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) and the LGBTQ lobby.

On the afternoon of November 5th, the Illinois House of Representatives recklessly voted 61-54 in favor of genderless marriage (SB 10) with 2 representatives voting present and 1 not voting.

The debate raged for over two hours with SB 10 with supporters of the bill filling the time with a constant stream of emotion, personal testimony, and accusations of discrimination.… Continue Reading

SB 10 and Individual Religious Liberties

Written by David E. Smith

As state lawmakers prepare to go back to Springfield for the second week of the fall veto session, and as rumors fly about a pending vote on redefining the institution of marriage (SB 10), citizens of Illinois need to seriously consider the fact that people of faith have absolutely no religious protections in this radical policy proposal.

People of faith should be free to live and work according to our beliefs. … Continue Reading

Judy Baar Topinka Supports Radical Left Policy

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Tom Cross Sets Sights on New Government Job

Written by Doug Ibendahl,

You probably think that could be a headline from The Onionand you would be right. But only an Onion-like headline can begin to capture the ludicrousness of Tom Cross wanting to be State Treasurer after the record he clocked as State Representative and House Minority Leader.

Cross claims he’s a “fiscal conservative.”

Well at least the guy has a sense of humor. Maybe Mr. Cross should apply at The Onion.… Continue Reading

President Obama Needs a Lesson in Constitution 101

Written by David E. Smith

President Barack Obama, complaining about the Republicans who want to use their Constitutional power of the purse to stop or slow down Obamacare, said to the media during a press conference Monday afternoon:

“One faction of one party in one house of Congress in one branch of government doesn’t get to shut down the entire government just to refight the results of an election.  You don’t get to extract a ransom for doing your job, for doing what you’re supposed to be doing anyway, or just because there’s a law there that you don’t like.”

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Ted Cruz, Liberty Counsel’s Got Your Flank

Written by Matt Barber

With his inspirational and unprecedented show of leadership on the floor of the U.S. Senate this past week, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), made hundreds of enemies in Washington D.C.

But more importantly, he made millions of friends across America.

When you have both liberal Democrats and mealy-mouthed establishment RINOs (Republicans in name only) allying against you, you know you’ve got the bead over the beltway “good ol’ boys’” center-mass. Mr. Cruz emasculated, delightfully, Obama’s political yes-bots on both sides of the aisle.… Continue Reading

And They Continue to Tell Us It’s Getting Better?

Written by Micah Clark

Over the past four years or so, President Barack Obama and his Administration have been telling Americans that things are getting better from the economy that President George W. Bush allegedly destroyed.  Remember the “summer of recovery” a few years back, which only Vice-President Joe Biden really seemed to believe and tout beyond the Fourth of July.  The Obama recovery was supposed to emerge from the unprecedented levels of deficit spending and massive amount of stimulus dollars poured into various places and certain industries.… Continue Reading

Chicago’s Cultural Decline

Written by David E. Smith

While Chicago’s violence and murder rates continue at an alarmingly high rates and local schools are being closed, it is important to remember that Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s stated priorities are not crime, gangs or even job creation.  His goals are focused on advancing cultural Marxism:

  1. Pension Reform for state workers
  2. A Chicago casino
  3. Homosexual “marriage”
During the month of August 2013, Chicago’s killing spree continued – 51 homicides, including 40 shot and killed, with 225 shot and wounded.
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Another Quick Infographic

by Andrew Willis

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Jim Durkin Not The Best Choice to Lead the Illinois House GOP Caucus

Written by John Biver and David E. Smith

It’s being reported that Illinois House minority leader Tom Cross (R-Plainfield) is considering a run for state treasurer. That would create a vacancy not only in the Illinois House but also in the House Republican Caucus which Cross has headed up for the past 11 years. One of the names being floated to replace Cross as caucus leader is State Representative Jim Durkin from DuPage County.

Illinois is in desperate need of leadership that is both principled and courageous.Continue Reading