Category: IFA News

Action Needed Urgently!

Written by David E. Smith

The family is the bedrock of society. It is the institution that teaches people to give for the sake of others. It is a school of morality. And the family is under siege. President Ronald Reagan underscored the importance of family in a national address on May 28, 1985:

There is no cultural institution as ennobling as family life. And there is no superior, indeed no equal, means to rear the young, protect the weak, or attend the elderly.

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Getting Serious


Written by David E. Smith

I don’t have to tell you how important this year’s elections are. I’m sure you understand how critical it is that you and like-minded people in your sphere of influence take part in the political process and vote for those candidates that will uphold the basic principles that our state and nation were founded upon — those candidates who will fight for faith, family, and freedom.

For several years I have hoped that Christian conservatives would understand something vitally important:

We don’t have a legislative or public policy problem in Illinois, we have a political problem.

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You Can Make It Happen



As we begin 2016, we can be overjoyed by the fact that God is in control and that He loves us. As the primary elections approach, we worry about the future of families, our nation, and our world, but, we are comforted by Paul’s words:

“We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.– Romans 8:28

Illinois Family Action and its PAC are dedicated to defending life, marriage, family, and our constitutional rights.… Continue Reading

Join Us in Rockford to Watch “Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit”

IFA to Host_Agenda 2_Doc_Rockford

Click HERE to download a flyer for this great event and join us
for great fellowship and a good meal before the event!

Click HERE for a map to this location.

NOTE:  Please RSVP to Jan Klaas at (815) 621-9497… Continue Reading

Join Us in Bensenville to Watch “Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit”

IFA to Host_Agenda 2_Doc_Bensenville

Click HERE to download a flyer for this great event.

Click HERE for a map to this location.

For more information, call the IFA office at (708) 781-9371… Continue Reading

Merry Christmas!

Prince of Peace

Written by David E. Smith

Christmas is just two days away. Parking spaces at malls and big-box stores are at a premium and many of the most popular toys and electronic gadgets are in short supply. While some last minute shoppers will dodge raindrops (no snowflakes this year) in their search for the final presents on their lists, others will click away at the computer, placing online orders and crossing their fingers that priority shipping will deliver their packages on time.… Continue Reading

Sifting Wheat at Year’s End

Sifting Wheat

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
~Luke 22:21-32

Things haven’t changed that much in the past 2000 years.  Jesus warned Simon Peter, and prayed for Simon Peter.  He could be saying it to me … or you.

It is very clear to me, we are being thrown into the air like grains of wheat. … Continue Reading

#GivingTuesday–Invest in the Next Generation

#GivingTuesday–Invest in the Next Generation

Written by David E. Smith

You’ve likely heard of “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday,” but do you know about “Giving Tuesday”?

It was started in 2012 as a way of remembering that Thanksgiving isn’t about getting but about giving. You might say this four-year-old campaign is an anti-#gettingstufffriday or #materialismmonday movement.

Today,  I invite you to take part in this effort by supporting our Christian values through your support of the Illinois Family ACTION, which works  diligently to advance politically-incorrect truth.… Continue Reading

Land of Reagan PAC invites you to a Pres. Debate Party


Watch the Reagan Library debates on projection TV screens with friends over dinner and drinks.

Meet Republican primary voters and participate in our Illinois Straw Poll.

September 16, 2015 at 5pm – 11pm
Stonegate Conference & Banquet Centre
2401 W Higgins Rd
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
Google map and directions
QUESTIONS: · (847) 951-2913

Reserve dinner tickets by September 15.  Theater tickets available at the door.

Ticket Prices: from $25 (theater) to $100 (dinner)/  For ticket details click HERE.

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14 Year Old Presents A Challenge

Dog Days

While the oppressive Illinois end-of-summer heat and humidity have arrived in force, the dog days of summer took quite a toll on the donations necessary to sustain our work.

We rely solely on donations from generous individuals to accomplish our work in Illinois. Summer, as usual, was a financially difficult time for us — yet our pro-family work and ministry didn’t slow down. These were very busy days.  And now that it’s September and we are engaged in projects and events that I sincerely believe will make Illinois a better place for us and for our families, we are asking, once again, for your help.… Continue Reading