Category: LGBTQ Agenda

Scott Walker’s Wife: One More Reason For SoCons To Worry?


Written by Matt K. Lewis

Behind every great man, there’s an incredibly astonished woman. And if you’re a Republican politician, the odds are pretty good she’s not on board with everything in your agenda. Along those lines, social conservatives have a new reason to worry about Scott Walker: Tonette Walker.

In an interview with the Washington Post, Wisconsin’s first lady publicly distanced herself from her husband over the issue of gay marriage. What is more, it’s clear that Scott Walker’s views are out of step with his entire family on the issue.… Continue Reading

SCOTUS Redfines “Marriage” as “Love”


Written by Diane Medved

President Barack Obama was so romantic when commenting on the U.S. Supreme Court 5-4 ruling that same-sex marriage be permitted nationally.  “Love is Love,” he declared, in a puzzling statement of the obvious.

Yes, love is love. But it is not marriage, though the president implied that’s so. Do all people who deeply love each other naturally want to marry?

The nursery rhyme that “love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage” is as outdated as the horse and carriage.… Continue Reading

The NEW Totalitarians


Written by Eric Metaxas

In the first century, Jesus was asked whether the Jewish people, who were under pagan, Roman occupation, should pay taxes to Caesar. The Lord, of course, said we are to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and unto God what is God’s. But in 21st century America, Caesar is angling for a better deal — and he’s getting it.

Our old friend Chuck Colson sounded the alarm several years ago when certain political figures on the Left — including former secretary of state Hillary Clinton — began downsizing the First Amendment’s guarantee of our God-given right to freedom of religion into a more manageable “freedom of worship.”… Continue Reading

Real Political Leadership is Fearless in the Culture War


Written by John Biver

Here’s a quote for you:

The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardliness, it is conformity. — Rollo May

Here’s what courage sounds like:

Don’t waste your breath trying to bully me in Louisiana. It is absolutely constitutional to have religious liberty and economic freedoms. — Bobby Jindal

It’s also called leadership — you can’t have genuine leadership without courage.

What we’ve heard from most of the Republican candidates for president isn’t exactly inspirational when it comes to the issue of marriage.… Continue Reading

Scott Walker Says It’s Time GOP Concedes Defeat on ‘Gay’ Marriage


Written by Aaron Rupar

During an appearance yesterday on Meet the Press, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said he thinks it’s time his party concedes defeat and moves past the marriage equality issue.

Walker’s remarks come on the heels of the release of new nationwide polling showing that 51 percent of Republicans under the age of 30 support marriage equality at the state level. As Mother Jones reports, according to the polling, “the only major demographic that still opposes same-sex marriage is white, evangelical Christians.”… Continue Reading

What Republicans Should Learn From the Transgender Moment


Written by Sean Fieler

In less than two years, transgender rights have gone from a non-issue to non-negotiable in the Democratic Party.

Rather than dismiss this change as a politically irrelevant story that belongs in the tabloids, Republicans should view it as a case study in the political power of principle. For it was principle, not a political campaign, that has advanced transgender rights so far so fast.

If Republicans would likewise put principle before policy, they would not only have the power to win elections but also the power to bring America back into fidelity with our country’s founding vision.… Continue Reading

GOP Presidential Hopeful Carly Fiorina Says If Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage, She ‘Wouldn’t Reverse It’


Written by Michael Gryboski

Carly Fiorina, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, has stated that if the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down state-level gay marriage bans, she “wouldn’t support an amendment to reverse” their decision.

Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard who announced her candidacy earlier this month, spoke with the blog Caffeinated Thoughts last week and was asked: if the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down state laws banning gay marriage would she support a hypothetical amendment overturning the decision.… Continue Reading

GOP Presidential Candidates Should Stop Granting the Legitimacy of “Sexual Identity”


Written by John Biver

As a kid I remember the expectation that growing up would eventually put me in the world of adults — where childish thinking among my contemporaries would be a thing of the past. It didn’t take me long after turning 18 to realize how wrong that assumption was. Today it’s worse, as more people than ever need to be told to act (and think in line with) their age rather than their shoe size.… Continue Reading

When Hillary Says “Always,” She Doesn’t Always Mean Always


Written by Dr. Michael L. Brown

I believe Hillary Clinton is now telling the truth regarding her views on same-sex “marriage.” I just don’t believe she was telling the truth in the past, especially when she expressed her opposition to it. Can anyone say “Shades of Barack Obama,” whose views on the subject also “evolved”?

When it comes to President Obama, David Axelrod has now confirmed what seemed obvious for years, namely, that he lied about his views on redefining marriage so as not to drive away black (and other morally conservative) voters.… Continue Reading

Pro-Amnesty, Pro-Gay Marriage, Pro-Abortion Donors Fueling Jeb Bush’s Fundraising


Written by Tony Lee

Pro-amnesty, Pro-gay marriage, and pro-abortion donors are powering former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s fundraising operation.

Bush, who is reportedly aiming to raise $100 million before he formally enters the race, will not give a speech at CPAC on Friday and instead participate in a question and answer session with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

“All too often we’re associated with being ‘anti’ everything,” Bush lectured CPAC in 2013. “Way too many people believe Republicans are anti-immigrant, anti-woman, anti-science, anti-gay, anti-worker, and the list goes on.”… Continue Reading