SPOTLIGHT: Pro-Life Powerhouse

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this special episode, Illinois Family Spotlight highlights interviews with Nancy Valko and Scott Klusendorf regarding the state of Illinois and the End of Life Options Act.

Nancy Valko has served for more than fifty years as a registered nurse, and is the spokeswoman for the National Association of Pro Life Nurses.

Scott Klusendorf is a pro-life advocate– regularly traveling throughout the United States and Canada training pro-life advocates to persuasively defend their views in the public square. He contends that the pro-life message can compete in the marketplace of ideas if properly understood and properly articulated.

Illinois Family Institute is partnership with other life-affirming organizations in opposition to the End of Life Options Act. This pro Physician Assisted Suicide legislation is currently under consideration in the Illinois General Assembly.

Should this piece of legislation become law, it could easily be expanded to nonterminal conditions– including in children, which would bring alarming suicide rates to the state of Illinois.

“The problem is if doctors themselves don’t take a position on the most important issue they have– the most important covenant they have with their patients is that they will not kill them, what else is open?” – Nancy Valko

This is an episode you need to listen to.

Listen to “Pro-Life Powerhouse” anywhere you find podcasts or click the link!