A House Divided Cannot Stand
Written by David E. Smith
First, A little history
Republican legislators have been in the minority in the Illinois House of Representatives since 1982, except for a brief period of Republican control from 1995 to 1997. Since 2018, they have been in the super-minority. This means they are unable to block legislative actions without some Democratic support. The current situation is almost impossible:
In the Illinois House, Republicans hold 40 seats of 118.
In the Illinois Senate, Republican hold 19 seats of 59.
Since 1982, Illinois Republican establishment leaders have worked very hard to squash conservative candidates and ignore conservative issues even when the citizens of Illinois supported those candidates or causes. As an example, school choice has been supported by the vast majority of voters on both sides of the aisle since 1982. The moderate Republican establishment has never rallied around it because they don’t want to be seen as “extreme.”
Their feckless philosophy: just lay low and in the event we get a GOP governor sometime who passes a pilot program for school choice, which we did with the Invest in Kids Act, we might then get behind the issue. But they don’t campaign on it and make it a top issue because they’re afraid they’ll make the teachers unions mad and the GOP wants some of their money for their campaigns.
To be blunt, the Illinois Republican establishment leaders have no backbone and lack the much-needed characteristics of conviction and leadership. Furthermore, they seem to ignore their own Party Platform.
As a result, Illinois voters over the decades have seen little difference between Republicans and Democrats on a host of important issues: parental rights, gambling expansion, marijuana legalization, tax cuts, lower spending, etc. Conservatives in the state have scant incentives to vote, so securing victories are very difficult for Republican candidates.
Conservatives would think that strong resistance to the Democratic steam roller – funded in large part by billionaire Governor JB Pritzker – would be essential. Yet, according to Illinois Freedom Caucus members, Republican leadership in the House isn’t leading the charge against the left-wing, big government agenda being rolled out against the people, but is instead focused on infighting.
It is truly hard to believe that Illinois House Minority Leader Tony McCombie (R-Savanna) has not only shut out her fellow Republicans, but has intentionally taken actions to punish certain fellow Republicans. According to an email from the Illinois Freedom Caucus:
Specifically, she has denied the following services from State Reps. Adam Niemerg (R-Teutopolis), Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville), Chris Miller (R-Charleston), Blaine Wilhour (R-Louisville) and Marty McLaughlin (R-Lake Barrington):
· Spokesman positions on legislative committees
· Access to their state websites, emails, and email newsletter services
· Access to Communications staffers including access to social media sites, audio and visual services, graphic design, and press release services
· Secretarial services at the Capitol
· Biography services
· All press conference assistance services
· All outreach assistance services
· Media tracking services
· Access to Bill Analysis
· Access to research assistance from House Republican staff
· Access to House Republican staff generated media lists
They are being prohibited from doing their jobs by their own caucus leader! These services are critical to lawmakers.
Watch the latest edition of their video podcast in which they discuss all these things.
Please pray that this situation would resolve and that Republicans would unite to oppose the woke big government legislative proposals pending in the Illinois General Assembly on behalf of the constituents they have sworn to represent.
Take ACTION: Please contact Leader McCombie (McCombie@ilhousegop.org) to politely and firmly urge her to unite the Republican Caucus and push back against the woke Pritzker agenda. Encourage her to cease the friendly fire. A leader is one that builds coalitions. Division is unproductive, and will only result in a perpetual super-minority status for conservatives.
Let her know that a house divided against itself cannot stand. (Mark 3:25, Matthew 12:25, Luke 11:17)
Read more:
Illinois GOP conservatives call for new party leadership (Center Square)