SPOTLIGHT: Assisted Suicide Coming to Illinois

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

Is legalizing physician-assisted suicide in Illinois really that dangerous?

In this edition of Spotlight, Dr. Stephen Smart will answer that exact question. Dr. Stephen Smart is a clinical associate professor of medicine at the University of Illinois college of medicine, and is in private practice at the Springfield clinic in Peoria.

Illinois Family Institute and other pro-life organizations are actively watching the Illinois state legislature for the inevitability of physician-assisted suicide legislation coming to the state of Illinois. This is why Dr. Smart’s comments are vital and timely:

“As an everyday example, doctors frequently refuse patients’ requests for antibiotics for a viral illness. There are risks of side effects for the patient and a risk of societal harm from bacterial resistance.

By it’s own logic, using autonomy as the main argument for assisted suicide makes it inconsistent to deny it for virtually any reason.”

This is a vital episode that you do not want to miss.

Listen to “Assisted Suicide Coming to Illinois” anywhere you find podcasts or click the link!