Illinois Democrats Pass “Name Change” Bill to Protect Illegal Immigrants

Written by David E. Smith

Democrats in the Illinois General Assembly just passed HB 5164 in the Illinois Senate by a vote of 33 to 16. This bill, which passed in the Illinois House back on April 18, 2024 by a vote of 67-39, will make it almost impossible to find illegal immigrants with a criminal history and/or those who have committed crimes while on American soil, for the purpose of deportation.

In response, Illinois State Senator Neil Anderson (R-Aledo), posted the following information on his Facebook page:

Today, I joined my Senate Colleagues for a press conference following the passage of House Bill 5164 – a name change bill – that enables people, including illegal immigrants the ability to change their name merely based on their word without verification documents supporting their identity.
This was done on a Sunday, in the middle of a blizzard and even the media had a hard time asking questions on this bill.
This bill is a gift to criminals and illegals. It severely damages our ability to track offenders or identify individuals who have violated our laws. It allows them to create new identities with the stroke of a pen, undermining law enforcement and public safety in the process.
When will this administration stop putting illegal immigrants ahead of the people of Illinois?
Illinois State Senators Chapin Rose (R-Champaign) and Sue Rezin (R-Morris) joined Senator Anderson at a press conference to decry the passage of this bill that circumvents the legal system, in addition to the process by which Illinois Democrats rammed it through for a vote.

Illinois Senator Rose drove home the point by saying,

“Instead of working on the budget, even the Governor’s own numbers… showed a $3.1 billion deficit going into next year. Instead of working on those issues, we are working on a name change bill. To allow illegals to come here, change their name and seal it, so ICE cannot catch them. Are we serious right now? That’s what your priorities are Governor Pritzker?”


In keeping with Governor JB Pritzker‘s promise to “Trump-Proof” Illinois, Democrats in Springfield used their super-majorities in the Illinois House and Senate to pass legislation to make it almost impossible for federal law enforcement officials with the Department of Homeland Security and ICE to find illegal aliens with criminal histories and/or those who have committed crimes while on American soil, for the purpose of deportation.

This bill, HB 5164 will allow people to change their names after living in Illinois for only 3 months (down from 6 months). The bill puts a cap of $25 to file for a name change and can even result in no charge whatsoever. Furthermore, the person changing their name may file a motion to have the documents kept sealed, prohibiting their name change from being made public.

So, in addition to illegal aliens who wish to conceal their true identity, this soon-to-be law will also be used by transgenders, sex traffickers and pedophiles to manipulate the system. Thomas Hampson, former Air Force Intelligence Analyst and Chief Investigator for the Illinois Legislative Investigating Commission points out:

“This will allow pedophiles to change their names and become untraceable when an organization conducts a typical background check. Unless the person is fingerprinted, which most organizations cannot afford to perform, the record will not show up.”

This concern was reiterated by Illinois State Senator Andrew Chesney (R-Freeport), who wrote on Facebook:

“With the passage of this law, illegal immigrants who have committed serious crimes can simply change their names, making it difficult for law enforcement or immigration officials to track them down.”

In 2017, Illinois became a sanctuary state, which means that Illinois law enforcement is prohibited from collaborating with federal immigration officials. Illinois has become a safe haven for people who are here illegally who have committed heinous crimes and should be deported back to their country of origin.

Who will benefit from this bill?

  • Those who have committed rapes and murders who don’t want law enforcement to find them;
  • A man who is pretending to be a woman and a woman who is pretending to be a man.

Questions that have not been answered:

  • How would this affect known foreign national members of MS-13, Tren de Aragua, Surenos or other gang affiliations?
  • How would this affect foreign nationals with criminal records and those not yet convicted or on our radar?
  • Would this give cover to those who are on the terror watch list?
  • Would this legislation give cover to agents who may be affiliated with the CCP, ISIS, al-Qaida, Hamas or other designated foreign would-be terrorists and enemies of the United States?
  • Would transgenders, pedophiles, rapists and sexual perverts be able to change their name for mere $25 to escape detection by law enforcement or other agencies?

The bill will soon be sent to Governor JB Pritzker, who is expected to sign it into law.