IFA Breakdown of The Three Advisory Questions on the Illinois Ballot
Written by David E. Smith
In addition to voting for federal, state and local candidates, Illinois voters have the opportunity to vote on three advisory questions when casting ballots in the upcoming election. These are non-binding questions and will only function as an official poll of the voting public. However, the results are likely to be used by state lawmakers in the next legislative session in Springfield.
These advisory questions were placed on the general election ballot after Democrats in the Illinois General Assembly passed SB 2412, signed by Governor JB Pritzker on May 3, 2024. Not one Republican voted for these proposals.
To help our subscribers better understand the questions on the ballot, IFA solicited the feedback of three experts. Carol Davis, Ed Ronkowski and Dr. Mark Zumhagen explain why voters should vote NO to all three of these questions. The following short videos are broken down in the order it appears on the ballot.
Click on the video link you would like more information about:
1.) Carol Davis on the Election Interference Question(13 mins.)
2.) Ed Ronkowski on the Tax Surcharge for Property Tax Relief(10 mins.)
3.) Dr. Mark Zumhagen on Mandatory Insurance for IVF (13 mins.)
The text of three questions, as they’ll appear on your ballot:
1.) Should any candidate appearing on the Illinois ballot for federal, state or local office be subject to civil penalties if the candidate interferes or attempts to interfere with an election worker’s official duties?
2.) Should the Illinois Constitution be amended to create an additional 3% tax on income greater than $1,000,000 for the purpose of dedicating funds raised property tax relief?
3.) Should all medically appropriate assisted reproductive treatments, including but not limited to in vitro fertilization, be covered by any health insurance plan in Illinois that provides coverage for pregnancy benefits, without limitations on the number of treatments?
More Election Resources
For even more election information, you can visit illinoisfamily.org/3ballotquestions to access a printable article you can read and share.
To review the IFA Endorsements for this election cycle, please click HERE.
To view the IFA collection of comparison graphics for candidates running for federal and state legislative seats, please click HERE.
For a special IFA Cook County Voter Guide, please click HERE.
If you live and vote in DuPage, Lake, Vermillion, Kane, McHenry, Will, Sangamon, Kendall, McLean, and Peoria County, and would like to know which candidates have been endorsed by some of the most radical anti-family groups in Illinois, please click HERE.
For even more election information from Illinois Family Institute, please click HERE.
Finally, for a powerful short video titled, “Should Christians Vote,” please click HERE.