4.6M Illinois Voter and Election Documents Exposed Online

Written by Nancy Hayes, Election Integrity Chair 
Illinois Freedom Alliance

Yes, you read that correctly. Recently, there were 4.6 million voter and election documents, including voter records, ballots, lists, and election-related records exposed by Platinum Technology Resource.

What does that have to do with Illinois voters?

The state of Illinois contracted with Platinum Technology Resource, a vendor that offers services to 23 Illinois counties (and the City of Rockford) including ballot printing, election management, and voter registration software. The exposed databases relate specifically to Platinum Elections Services.

What Illinois counties were/are at risk of having their election databases exposed?

The following 23 counties and/or jurisdictions exposed or at-risk included: Adams, Boone, Champaign, Clinton, DeKalb, Fayette, Franklin, Hamilton, Henry, Jersey, Kankakee, Marion, Monroe, Ogle, Pike, Pulaski, Randolph, Sangamon, St. Clair, Union, Wayne, Williamson, Winnebago, and the City of Rockford.

The 15 jurisdictions in bold include those with DS200 AND Express Vote.

Platinum Technology Resource has been providing election technology and services to jurisdictions and/or counties in Illinois for over 35 years.

What specific concerns are there for voters in these counties/jurisdictions?

Databases contained documents with lists of active, absentee, early, and duplicate voters. In addition, there were records with very sensitive and personal information of voters, which included voter names, physical addresses, email addresses, birthdates, social security numbers or driver’s license numbers, and voter history, as well as voter registration applications.

In addition, there were documents such as candidate petitions with voter signatures and addresses.

What’s the danger of the exposure of these databases and all this voter information?

As we’ve seen, voters in 23 counties and the City of Rockford had their voter information exposed, including names, addresses, birthdates, voter history, emails, social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, and voter signatures. Of those 23 jurisdictions, 15 of those jurisdictions have DS200 and Express Vote. The opportunity this creates for fraud is too concerning to ignore, and here is why: 

What does it take to register to vote in Illinois?

Most of the exposed voter information is what someone would need to register as a voter online.

What if someone were to get this information, file an online application for a vote-by-mail ballot, request the ballot, and have it sent to another address? That could be a SERIOUS problem!

To vote in ILLINOIS: You must be a citizen, but citizenship is NOT checked. You need to have a driver’s license or social security number, turn 18 on or before November 5th, and live in your precinct at least 30 days before Election Day.

If you are filling out the “ILLINOIS ONLINE VOTER APPLICATION,” you are informed in the process that you must provide an Illinois driver’s license or State ID number, the date the license or ID was issued, the last four digits of the social security number, and your birthdate.

What about Citizenship Verification? Don’t illegals have to verify their citizenship with some kind of document or proof of citizenship?

For those 13-20 million illegals that have thus far invaded our country, no thanks to the Biden Administration, including those that now reside in Illinois, they are only ASKED: “Are you a citizen of the United States of America?” Then they are asked to “check a box.” Unfortunately, the fact remains that we have an “honor system” that we base proof of citizenship on. Illegals are NOT REQUIRED to show proof of citizenship when they register online for an application to vote. They need only “check a box.”

There is NO PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP DOCUMENTATION required to register to vote in Illinois. Let me state that again. Applicants are just asked to “check a box.” They are NOT asked for ANY proof or documentation of citizenship.

Does anyone else see a problem with THIS?

Does anyone else see a problem with the voter information databases from 23 jurisdictions and the city of Rockford being exposed, especially when it comes to illegals voting? How about the possibility of voter fraud or identity theft when it comes to illegals voting in the November election in Illinois?

When applying for an online voter application – the applicant is asked: “What do you want to accomplish?” They are given the following options: Register to vote as a new voter, change your current registration address, change your current registered name, or change your current registered name and address.

Then, personal information is entered – driver’s license number, date of birth, and date of driver’s license issued.

Do those data points sound familiar?

What’s the big deal with a possible 23 jurisdictions or, at a minimum, 15 jurisdictions (DS200 and Express Vote) voter databases exposed in Illinois less than 70 days out from a Presidential election?

We all know, according to the Biden Administration our elections are the “safest and most secure elections in history.”

Wake UP, People! It’s “GO TIME!” It’s time to save our Republic!

If you are not signed up to be a poll watcher or election judge in your county or precinct, WHAT are you waiting for?

Get involved TODAY! It’s not too late!

Contact the Illinois Freedom Alliance (illinoisfreedomalliance.us or call 309-377-1776).

At the VERY LEAST – get up off that couch and GO VOTE! If you don’t AT LEAST VOTE, don’t complain when the freedoms you once took for granted are lost due to your laziness and inaction in the upcoming elections.

Remember – it’s a REPUBLIC – if we can KEEP IT!