SPOTLIGHT: A Call to Prayer
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
Illinois Family Institute is calling for Christians throughout the state to a penitential period of prayer this fall, starting with a corporate prayer event, and followed by 40 days of individual prayer and fasting.
Sadly, Illinois has become the child sacrifice (abortion) epicenter of the Midwest while Chicago is, once again, experiencing shocking levels of street violence.
Government schools are not just failing students academically, but the focus of school time is now on social engineering, humanistic training, sexual immorality, teaching racism, revisionist history and other godless subject matters.
We can add to these facts a growing list of other cultural and political indicators that demonstrate — without a shadow of a doubt — that our culture is in open rebellion against God and His standard. We can truthfully say that the foundations are crumbling (Psalm 11:3).
Our state and our nation depend on God’s people to intercede in prayer to ask Almighty God for His mercy and a revival. IFI’s Dave Smith points out:
“It’s time that Christians in Illinois be the salt and light of this state. Where do we start? We pray. We humbly seek God. We ask for forgiveness for these things that are going on, and we ask Him to heal our land. That’s what we need to do.”
Because of this, Illinois Family Institute has launched a campaign called Humility and Prayer Illinois, which calls upon Christians to unite in prayer for the state of Illinois, America, and the world.
“We want to encourage churches to host a special prayer gathering on September 25th or 26th – an event dedicated to humbly seeking God in prayer for our state and nation. In the spirit of corporate repentance, acknowledging our offenses before God as a nation, as Nehemiah did. It is wise to prayerfully appeal to God, asking Him to forgive our national sins and to heal our land. There’s nothing too big that He can’t correct.” (Ephesians 3:20-21)
Listen to this timely podcast, “A Call to Pray” here, anywhere you find podcasts, or