JB Pritzker Wants More Dead Babies for His Legacy
Written by David E. Smith
In October 2023, Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker launched a national nonprofit group named “Think Big America,” which is focused on normalizing abortion and making the slaughter of pre-born babies legal in every state across the country. The New York Times reports that this new group “will support ballot measures to codify or restore abortion rights, seeking to elevate an issue that has energized Democrats.”
According to the Think Big America website, their mission is to take “the fight to right wing extremists all across the country.”
What fight, you ask? The fight for the legal right to assassinate defenseless and innocent babies in the womb. Yes, they are intentionally using combative and violent language to describe their “struggle” against their oppressors (i.e., pro-lifers). But we should not expect the corporate media to identify Think Big America as “dangerous” or “hateful,” or to label them as divisive or extreme. Those labels are reserved for those who hold to traditional Christian values.
In the featured video on the group’s home page, Pritzker opens up by sounding the alarm about the “far right” and its “extreme” political agenda. Unsubstantiated accusations roll off his tongue, accusing conservatives of “widespread book bans” and “a rollback of voting rights and civil rights.” On the screen we see headlines from far left sources like The Atlantic which warn of “America’s Terrifying Cycle of Extremist Violence” while Pritzker warns that “extremism poses an existential threat to our democracy and I take this threat very seriously.”
Yes, leftist’s like JB Pritzker believe that any political agenda that doesn’t comport with the far left wing of the Democratic Party is “extreme” and threatens Democracy (even though we live in a Republic, in which political power rests with “we the people“).
The Associated Press reports that this new 501c4 organization “has already funded support for constitutional amendments favoring abortion access in Ohio, Arizona and Nevada.” And of course, Pritzker has big plans to do even more … and to highlight his left-wing “progressive” credentials to the nation in the process.
In his announcement video, JB Pritzker explains that his new national campaign organization is needed to safeguard “reproductive rights” against pro-life advocates, who, he says, “want to take us backwards.” What he and other abortion cheerleaders fail to acknowledge is that “reproductive rights” begin at the moment of consent to sexual intercourse. While we are painfully aware that some babies are conceived as a result of criminal sexual assault, those instances are far from the norm.
What Leftists want is not pro-choice, but pro-second choice. They want to do away with the consequences of irresponsible sexual activity despite the fact that it means destroying innocent human children — children who result from the original consent.
Moreover, if Pritzker and his like-minded abortion allies were honest, it is the pro-choice moment that has “taken us backward” in terms of our national birthrate, fertility, teenage pregnancies, and an exploding number of fatherless homes. The only things that have “progressed” are the objectification of women as sexual outlets and sexually transmitted diseases.
Oh, and by the way, we should not overlook the fact that modern day feminists often chant “my body, my choice,” and criticize men for being part of the patriarchy that would ban or restrict abortion. According to them, it is part of the so-called “male privilege” to dominate women – a misogynistic male power play to make women subservient to their every whim.
Yet here we have JB, the white-male billionaire politician, leading the charge. Is it any wonder that he is spending his own wealth to fund this nationwide organization that features a website with two links promoting “JB’s Administration’s Accomplishments.” One would almost anticipate a future run for president.
Pritzker ends his featured video announcement by saying:
“Together, let’s think big for America’s brighter future.”
It’s unspeakably tragic that so many people on the Left believe that a brighter future requires the death of approximately a million innocent human beings every year. They are so committed to this cause that they have started celebrating Abortion Provider Appreciation Day each year on March 10th. (They have been doing this since 1996.)
JB Pritzker released a short video to run on social media in order to celebrate abortion day and to promote his pro-abortion work, saying:
“With Think Big America, we’re going state by state and across the nation to protect a woman’s right to an abortion because no one should have to escape to another state or face legal barriers to make decisions about their own bodies.”
It bears repeating: the decision on what to do with one’s own body does NOT begin when another life has been conceived and another human being is part of the equation. Irresponsible, sinful, immoral and even illegal decisions that result in the creation of a new human life do not necessitate death and bloodshed for another living person.
The science of embryology tells us that the moment the egg and sperm unite, a new human being is created with his/her own unique human DNA. That DNA will determine that person’s development throughout their entire life through every stage of human development from zygote, to embryo, to fetus, to newborn, to toddler, to teenager, to adult, to senior citizen.
At every stage of life, human rights matter —not because of what we look like, our size, location, what others think or feel about us, or what we can do. Rather, human rights matter because every human being is infinitely valuable, unique, and deserving of respect.
Preborn babies, like their parents, are human beings created in the image and likeness of Almighty God. Therefore, each one us has human rights simply because we are created human. That’s why we all matter, and why we all matter equally. And since preborn children are human beings like us, they matter too.
Each human being has inherent worth because of who and what he or she is: a member of God’s crown jewel of creation: Mankind. While the preborn are among the most vulnerable and helpless members of our society, their right to life must be protected.
Question for Pro-Life Citizens: Are we as dedicated to these truths and to our preborn neighbors as the abortion cheerleaders are to their goals to make abortion legal, normal, and an acceptable form of birth control?
Read more:
Illinois Gov. Pritzker Tells Abortionists He’s ‘Proud’ of Their ‘Work’ in Shocking Video (LifeSiteNews)
GOP, Stop Fearing What the Left Is Cheering (Townhall.com)
Data Shows Liberal Christians are More Politically Active Than Conservative Christians (LifeNews.com)