Mark Robinson on God, Government & Conservative Action

Written by David E. Smith

I’ve seen a couple of video clips of Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson (R-NC) in the past few years, and every time I have found myself cheering, applauding and occasionally shouting “amen!”

He is now the Republican nominee for Governor in North Carolina in what promises to be a tight election. What a blessing it would be to see a bold Christian conservative like him elected as chief executive of that state!

In the video clip below, Lt. Gov. Robinson begins his 12-minute speech at the 2022 CPAC in Dallas by giving thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – and rightly so. He then explains how he had overcome the adversity of being a poor black kid from the wrong side of the tracks in Greensboro to become the first black lieutenant governor of North Carolina. He proudly proclaimed:

“America is still the greatest nation on Earth, and I don’t care what these Communists say. I don’t care what the socialists say… This is the greatest nation on Earth, and it’s all because of God. He’s the One that made it all impossible. So, we give Him thanks.”

He called for conservatives to talk to their families, neighbors, and friends to spread the “good story about what conservatism does.”

“We can’t be the silent majority anymore. Silence never did anything in this nation. Imagine if the founders had been silent. Imagine if the abolitionists had been silent.”

AMEN! How very true.

Watch and listen to his speech. It is sure to get Christian conservatives motivated as we remember the words of the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 15:58:

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.