Your Voice Needs to be Heard in DC Today! (Mary Miller)

Written by David E. Smith

As you may have noticed, the U.S. Congress is facing a number of urgent matters that demand their attention and action. These issues span a wide range of areas, from the ongoing unfettered immigration invasion and national security concerns, to inflation troubles, and our expensive entanglement in the Ukraine-Russia war. On top of all this some are unwisely pushing ahead to create a federal digital currency.

Your voice to your Republican member of the U.S. Congress is urgently needed right now. They must hear from us and understand our concerns. The sway of the swamp is strong, but our voices can and must break through at this time.

Take ACTION: Use the template below to send your Republican Congressman, Mary Miller a message via email as soon as you are able. Do not take it for granted that he knows how important these things are to you. He needs to get dozens, if not hundreds of messages like this.

Copy, paste and edit as you see fit. Email her at or at her website HERE.

October 2023

Dear Honorable Representative Miller,

Thank you for your service in Congress.

As a parent (and grandparent), my spouse and I are very concerned about the future of our country. We hope to find out where you stand on issues of importance to our family. I would like to respectfully request a written response to my questions noted below.

U.S. House Speaker

Representative Mike Rogers (R-MI) has indicated willingness to “work with the Democrats” to make sure Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) does not become Speaker and even to the point of installing Representative Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), a left-wing progressive. Shame on him.

Representative Jordan is a fine leader, a skilled orator and debater. He is more in tune with what America needs now, which is self-discipline.

1.) Will you vote in favor of Jim Jordan for Speaker of the U.S. House?

2.) Alternatively, U.S. Representative Byron Donald is a strong conservative. Will you vote to support his bid to be Speaker?

Illegal Immigration:

Our government is allowing cartels to have free reign at our border. Trafficking women and children, moving fentanyl, and bringing in criminals and terrorists. This is an INVASION. This is unacceptable.

3.) Will you please demand that the administration close the border to illegal immigration, establish barriers and deploy technology and armed forces to affect that?

Out of Control Spending:

Many federal lawmakers would vote against sending more of our tax dollars to Ukraine, but because this funding is tucked inside a larger “omnibus” spending bill, they believe that they are politically compelled to vote for it.

This is a major problem.

The interest on the budget is compounding and is simply unsustainable at this level. The only hope that we see for this is for the U.S. House to have “Single Issue Spending Bills.”

That way those voting for things that the voters do not agree with will be exposed. As it stands now, all kinds of irresponsible spending is being authorized.

4.) Since Republicans control the U.S. House, are you willing to inform leadership that you will vote NO on any spending bill that is not single issue?
(If enough courageous Congressmen like yourself did this it would solve the problem.)

5.) Are you willing to notify leadership that you will vote NO on any spending bill that includes money for the Ukraine war regardless of whatever else is in the bill? (Ukraine is NOT a democracy, and NATO has unnecessarily tried to bring in Ukraine, which has led to this completely unnecessary and tragic war.)

Federal Digital Currency:

This is a grave threat to our freedom. Our government has shown itself to disrespect our freedoms on many occasions. Digital currency will enable them to monitor all spending, all contributions, and even shut off our ability to transact if they so choose. As you know, Canada did this to those supporting the truckers’ convoy. So, this is not at all far-fetched.

6.) Will you vote NO on the enactment of any federal digital currency?

Thank you for your time and consideration. We are looking forward to your response as we care deeply about these issues and the future of our country.

We are praying for you and all our federal government officials.


Thank you for doing this. Please know, these are time-sensitive items, so please act immediately.

Also, please know that even if you’ve already written to your member of Congress about one of these issues, you can always email them again – the more they hear from you, the more they know you care.