SPOTLIGHT: Religious Liberty in America
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features remarks from Ariella Del Turco on the topic of religious liberty in the first half, along with a question and answer segment with Ambassador Sam Brownback during the second half.
Arielle Del Turco is the director of Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council (FRC) and is the co-author of FRC’s “Hostility Against Churches” report.
Sam Brownback is the former governor of Kansas, formerly representing Kansas in the U.S. House & Senate during President Trump’s administration, has served as the U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, and is currently the chairman for the National Committee for Religious Freedom.
Arielle notes the increasing hostility against churches and places of religious expression. In response to the question of why this hostility is increasing, she aptly observes,
In part, I think this is a symptom of increasing secularization. We’re seeing an eroding reverence for religion and, with that, we see the respect for physical places of worship and religious institutions in decline… This is a serious problem…
Yet, hostility against churches and against Christianity itself is likely to grow as American culture continues to embrace the values rooted in the sexual revolution. These things include abortion, same-sex marriage, and gender ideology. These things naturally conflict with core Christian teachings and beliefs.
This is a Spotlight episode you will not want to miss. Tune in and listen to episode #367 anywhere you find podcasts, or you can click the link below:
For more information on the Family Research Council, click HERE.
For more information on the National Committee for Religious Freedom, click HERE.