Open Southern Border: Irresponsible and Foolish

Written by David E. Smith

Can the incompetence of the Biden Administration be any clearer than the alarming humanitarian situation we have on the southern border with Mexico?

Some estimates show thousands upon thousands of immigrants steaming across the border every day. Recent reports claim that those numbers are even higher than that.

A robust, well-regulated immigration policy is not only a benefit to our nation but a legacy we ought to continue into the future. However, the current situation is out of control and dangerous.

While the Biden Administration claims that the border is not open, last week the New York Times reported that “border officials apprehended more than 11,000 migrants who had crossed illegally” in recently. That, they say, is “an increase over the 7,000 to 8,000 crossings a day…”

Some of these immigrants are coming across with violent criminal records. Some are trafficking sex slaves while others are smuggling in deadly drugs like fentanyl. Others are coming across with communicable diseases and others will be an immediate strain on state and federal social welfare programs.

The problem is no longer isolated to border towns and states but is spilling over into the big cities in northern parts of the nation. Mayors across the country, including in Chicago and New York, are complaining loudly that they are unable to accommodate the hundreds being bused to their cities every week.

The President and his administration are failing in their primary duty to keep our nation secure. This failure is inexcusable. Not declaring a national emergency and failing to secure the borders is utterly irresponsible and foolish.