Your Help Needed This Saturday!
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Every election cycle politicians love to make the claim that this year’s race is the most important election of our lifetime. Of course, there is some validity in those calls-t0-action.
We don’t know what the future holds, but one thing we can tell you is that the U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade has made every election moving forward eminently and critically important.
For the first time in 50 years electing pro-life legislators is more than just symbolic. Now, we have an opportunity to elect men and women to state offices who can make a difference on the issue of life.
We have a major opportunity in the Metro East to elect two pro-life legislative candidates who are taking on pro-abortion Democratic incumbents.
Kevin Schmidt is running in the 114th District against radical and woke LaToya Greenwood. We endorsed him in the primary and we continue to support him.
In the 112th District, Jennifer Korte is taking on Leftist Katie Stuart. Jennifer is a mom who will not surrender her principles, nor will she sell out her constituents. We have proudly endorsed Jennifer as well.
We have an opportunity to make a real difference in these races. On Saturday, Nov. 5th, both Kevin and Jennifer will be leading precinct walks as part of their final push to victory. If you have the time, please come out and help these good candidates secure their victories.
Meet Kevin Schmidt at 10 am on Saturday at the St. Clair County Republican headquarters, located at 4510 N Illinois St #5 in Swansea.
Meet Jennifer Korte at 10 am on Saturday at her headquarters, located at 1059 Century Drive, Suite 30 in Edwardsville.
Please let your voice be heard by taking some time to help these fine candidates win their elections and turn our state around.
Thank you for your consideration in advance!
David E. Smith
Illinois Family Action