Running on Fumes! Hoping for Your Help!

Written by David E. Smith

Illinois Family Action is currently engaged in a Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) effort throughout the state. The importance of this election cannot be over-emphasized. Never before in the history of the United States have we seen this level of delusional thinking, rhetoric and militancy. The threats to the institutions of the sanctity of life, the centrality of family and the importance of the church are more profound than we can remember.

But we have one major problem. Our fuel tank is on empty. With three weeks left before the November 8th election, and with early voting already underway, we are unable to do what we planned to do, unless you help us finish this election cycle strong.

In this election we have an opportunity to rebuke the Apostles of Wokeism, including those abortion cheerleaders who want Illinois to be the abortion mecca of the Midwest.

Can you please help us with a donation right now, today?

Our opponents will lie, scream, vandalize, obstruct, blaspheme God, demonize Christians, and openly contradict God’s law. They are on the attack. Planned Parenthood, the deceptive media, and other left-wing allies have a goal of expanding abortion services in Illinois by working to elect candidates that are pro-abortion.

We MUST step up to protect and defend the most vulnerable members of our community even in the face of vicious opposition. This is our opportunity to defend God’s Word with political tools that we have at our disposal to be on the OFFENSE.

Your gift today is CRUCIAL and will be put to work immediately to support many of the races in which God-fearing candidates are running.

The time is right… Please help us help them!

Illinois Family Action is ready and willing to expose the far Left’s lies, bloodlust and attempts to corrupt our children with inappropriate and immoral lessons. We will only be able to do that with the resources we have on hand, and we are limited without your financial help. We want to reach much farther and much wider.

Will you commit to a gift today to help us expose 
the extremism of JB Pritzker and the Illinois Democrats?

Your generous contribution will help IFA expose the far Left for the subversives they are. We have 21 days until the General Election.

Our GOTV efforts desperately need your support today!

Thank you in advance for standing with us for faith, family, and freedom!