“Well Versed” Online Training
Illinois Family Action would like to invite you to participate in attending or leading, a “Well Versed World” Bible Study: Once a week, leading up to the extremely important November election.
You can sign up here: https://www.wellversedworld.org/well-versed-training/
Watch this Sunday’s “How To” Session here: https://worldprayernetwork.org/
The study is designed to teach what God says about political involvement, how to Biblically interpret the issues of our day and how to “make the case” to others, who may be needing wisdom and knowledge about their involvement in God’s gift of self-governance. (Invite your Pastor!)
All of the logistical work is already done for you by a trusted Biblical scholar, Dr. Jim Garlow. This Sunday night, September 4th, 7pm CST, there’s a live, “how to” session online, to learn how to lead the study or access the excellent materials that have been created to make this easy and impactful.
As we move towards an election that will determine who governs our state, what representatives we’ll have at the local and federal level and who heads up Illinois’ Supreme Court and our Judicial Branch…
Our politicians and the voting public need to hear
the voice of those who follow Godly principles!
Research shows that Christians admit that they do not speak out on political or cultural issues because they do not know how to support their beliefs from a Biblical basis. Instead, they remain silent on critical issues like marriage, racism, and transgender issues because they feel uninformed and ill-equipped to defend their beliefs.
Pastor James L. Garlow offers this practical, biblical guide for the 21st century Christian. “Well Versed: Biblical Answers to Today’s Tough Issues” and prepares readers to tackle the important issues of the day and engage others in a loving, Scripturally-based manner.
This book lays out the biblical foundations for 30 political topics. The goal is not to make you more “political.” The goal is to make you more Biblical in your approach to governmental and political issues.
This is a crucial time. The involvement of those with a Christian Worldview in our political realm, has never been more important, here in Illinois.
Thank you and if you have questions, please reach out and we hope you’ll participate!