Looking for Campaign Volunteers
Written by David E. Smith
The important issues at stake are in the headlines every day. The attacks against the right to life, religious liberty, rights of conscience and biological reality are increasing; putting even common sense at risk. Most government schools are teaching inappropriate “comprehensive” sex-education to kindergarteners, and in many high schools are now allowing confused biological boys to use the girl’s washrooms, locker rooms and showers.
It’s not just the gubernatorial election that is of critical importance, but every office “down ballot” as well. Many important Illinois congressional and state legislative offices are up for grabs.
As you know, we cannot elect good candidates without doing the work necessary to secure the votes needed to win. It’s our duty as citizens to make sure these candidates can win. All things being equal, grassroots efforts make all the difference. And with an excellent candidate like Scott Kaspar, we have a wonderful opportunity to elect a great pro-family leader to represent us in. Washington.
Scott is so glad for the endorsement from Illinois Family Action. And we believe he will be able to pull out a victory on June 28th. As the primary is quickly approaching, they are looking for volunteers who are able to help expand their door-to-door and phone calling efforts. If you live in the new 6th district and can spare five hours or more for the next two weeks, would you please consider helping this great candidate finish strong?
Take ACTION: If are willing to help tell people about Scott Kaspar, please email his campaign immediately at info@kasparforcongress.com. Give them your name, email address and phone number and let them know you’ll join this effort. They will give you instructions on how to help.
As the state’s only full time Christian pro-life/pro-family organization, Illinois Family Action is proud to endorse Scott Kaspar and the following candidates running in the June 28th primary election:
Please help us increase the vote for Scott by volunteering some time over the two weeks to encourage early voting and vote-by-mail among the members of your church and community.
This effort cannot succeed without willing Americans like you!