David Shestokas Earns IFA’s Endorsement for Illinois Attorney General

IFA Staff Reports

We are facing a crucial primary election on June 28–an election unlike any in recent memory. To help ensure our path leads to greater protection of our freedoms, heed the words of Bobby Piton, Illinois candidate for United States Senate:

“This the most important vote in Illinois in our lifetime. Vote David Shestokas for Illinois Attorney General.”

Why does Bobby Piton say this? Because it’s true. The importance of the office of attorney general (AG) is clear. When the attorney general and the governor disagree about the law, the attorney general wins. When the attorney general enforces the law and seeks justice the people win. Nominating and electing David Shestokas is a win for us, the people, and our children.

The office of Illinois’ attorney general has been hijacked to serve the desires of the political ruling class. We’ve all seen and felt the results of that. Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul has acted as the governor’s lawyer. Raoul, a former Illinois state senator from the southside of Chicago, has made possible everything Illinoisan’s dislike about J.B. Pritzker.

The illegal executive orders, “mandates,” declarations that churches are non-essential–none of that happens with an attorney general who follows the law. Had David Shestokas been AG, the abuse of power that Illinoisans witnessed in the last two years would not have been ignored. By acting together and electing Dave Shestokas, we can wrest the office from the politicians and return it to someone who will serve the people.

The time to act is now as the Republican primary election is June 28, and early voting has begun.

We the people must ensure that our attorney general will serve the constitution, the law, and the people whom he represents. Together, Christian conservative voters can secure the nomination and election of David Shestokas as Illinois attorney general and restore the rule of law to our state.

Our Illinois Family Action endorsement of David Shestokas for Illinois attorney general states: “This primary election is critical for the direction of pro-family issues in Illinois, and the attorney general is a key office to protecting families’ freedoms of choice in education, religion, and life. We support David Shestokas because he has a long career of articulated personal commitment to defending the laws of God.”

We’ve known Dave for many years. We share his passion for the rule of law, our Founding Fathers and founding documents, and especially for God’s gift of freedom and self-government. His campaign slogan “Make Crime Illegal Again” resonates loudly with many concerned citizens in our crime-saturated culture. As the state’s only full time Christian pro-life/pro-family organization, Illinois Family Action is proud to endorse the following candidates running for office:

Please share this message with your friends, family, email, and social media contacts. We can directly impact the attorney general campaign. If each of you receiving this email influences just 15 voters to support Dave, we believe that he will win the Republican nomination. If you’d like to learn more, please watch the video below as he announces his campaign earlier this year at an Illinois Conservative Union event: