IFA Endorsed: Win Stoller for Illinois Sen. Dist. 37

From IFA Staff Reports

Illinois Family Action is pleased to endorse Win Stoller for re-election to the 37th District. He is a strong and passionate defender of life from conception to natural death. He vehemently opposed the unilateral Pritzker lockdowns and has fought to reduce taxes and wasteful Springfield spending that hurts our families.

In his own words, from a district-wide mailing:

Pro-Life: Illinois State Senator Win Stoller is 100% pro-life and supports the unborn.

“It grieves me that our state has adopted the most extreme and radical abortion laws in the nation. I will continue to be a voice to remind the liberals in Springfield that there are many people like us who consider it a moral duty to protect and value life at all stages.”

Sen. Stoller’s mailing went on to describe

“Illinois’ laws on life are sickening. Abortion is legal through the last day of pregnancy and the taxpayers must pay for an unlimited number of abortions.”

He stands out in the area of educational choice and is outspoken against the wicked mandates placed on our public schools.

Indoctrinating children: Senator Stoller strongly opposes sex education beginning in kindergarten, a new law requiring schools to place tampons in elementary school boys’ bathrooms, the teaching of Critical Race Theory, and requiring students to complete liberal social justice projects to be able to graduate.

He supports expansion of the Illinois Invest in Kids Act to allow opportunity scholarships for more students from disadvantaged backgrounds, and to make this program permanent. This and other school reforms are anathema to the Teacher Unions who oppose him.

Sen. Stoller also supports imposing no new regulations on homeschooling and encouraging parents to make their own decisions on the education of their children. He spoke forcefully against the Democrat “SAFE-T”  bill which hurt our police and justice system, making streets less safe for our families.

Sen. Stoller brings the type of fiscal and business background, and expansive church and community service background to the position that is ideal for a conservative legislator. From his biography:

Win Stoller is the State Senator for the 37th Senate District of Illinois. He has been serving in the Senate since 2021.

Win is a lifelong resident of Germantown Hills and a graduate of the University of Illinois, where he earned both his accounting degree and an MBA in Business.

Prior to serving in the Illinois State Senate, Win spent the last 23 years working at Widmer Interiors in Peoria where he is currently the CEO. Prior to that, he was an auditor for Price Waterhouse Coopers.

Win actively volunteers in the community including being past Board Chair for the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce, past Treasurer of Business PAC of Central Illinois, 23-year Advisory Board Member and Past President for The Salvation Army, and Past President of the Rotary Club of Peoria. He is a Church Elder and served as Campus Outreach Board Member for 12 years at Grace Presbyterian Church. He also served on the Illinois State University College of Business Advisory Board for over 9 years.

This unique background has helped him to be successful from the start in his first year and a half in the Senate. Passing four bills in his first five months, including a way to redefine the Illinois tax code to allow small businesses to once again fully deduct their state and local income taxes on their FEDERAL tax returns. Over 400,000 small employers have saved thousands to tens of thousands of dollars already on their 2021 federal taxes. This was extremely welcome relief for employers who have struggled through Illinois’ high taxes and onerous regulations, shutdowns, inflation, supply chain disruptions and labor shortages.

This legislative bill has been called “the most consequential legislation ever authored and passed by a freshman.”

Among the other pro-family endorsements earned by Sen. Stoller include Family-PAC, Illinois Citizens for Life PAC, and the Illinois Pro-Family Alliance.

IFA enthusiastically endorses Sen. Stoller and encourages voters to visit winstoller.com and Win Stoller for Illinois Senate on FB for more information.

The new 37th District consists of all or parts of 12 counties in Central and Western Illinois: Bureau DeKalb, Henry, LaSalle, Lee, Marshall, Ogle, Peoria, Rock Island, Stark, Woodford, and Whiteside.