SPOTLIGHT: Your Family and God’s Plan for the World

Written by David E. Smith

Every parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle – anyone who loves and cares for the children in their family or sphere of influence – will want to listen to the second half of Dr. Rob Rienow’s presentation from IFI’s 2022 Worldview Conference! In his address entitled The Church, The Family, and The Kingdom of God, Dr. Rienow states that, while the church is doing a good job of investing in the next generation of Christ followers, the family is neglecting to hold up their end in their partnership with the church to reach the world.

With a heartfelt and humorous approach, Dr. Rienow follows the timeline of the Bible, using Scripture that references the family to illustrate how “God connects what happens in the home with His plan for the world.” You will definitely want to share this podcast with those you know who are in the trenches of training little ones, as well as those who are parenting unbelieving young adults.

Dr. Rienow is an author and conference speaker. Together with his wife Amy, he founded Visionary Family Ministries with the mission to “build the church through a global reformation of family discipleship.”