Election 2022: Time to Stand in Illinois
Written by Lynn Bowman Tabb
Just 40 miles west of Chicago, the crowd was hot Tuesday night at the Fire Pritzker Rally in St. Charles’ Arcada Theater. And with good cause! “We the people” of Illinois have had enough of J.B. Pritzker’s tyrannical mandates. Illinois Gubernatorial Candidate Darren Bailey is proving himself to be the man to lead the people and scale back the reach of government in the lives of Illinoisans.
Throughout the event, speakers echoed the idea of taking a stand. Audience members who are involved politically on any level–from Illinois Congressional candidates to Precinct Committeeman candidates were asked to stand. Anyone who had pulled a child from a government school was asked to stand. Those who had attended “unmask the kids” rallies, school board meetings, library sit-ins, or written letters, emails, or signed witness slips were asked to stand. There were a lot of folks standing! Yes, there are so many ways to get involved as we the people take back our communities, states, and nation. Taking a stand was the clear message.
The energy generated from those hosting the event was clearly visible; Darren Bailey is generating and inspiring support.
The best part? This support is strong among the young people of Illinois. Well-represented among the myriad of speakers at the event were young adults from the community. Their motivation for getting involved is clear: these are the people, as Bailey so aptly pointed out, who had what should have been some of the “best times”–their final years in high school, their senior proms, their graduation ceremonies — stolen from them through Pritzker’s unwarranted and unconstitutional lock downs.
With Eliana Hartian, a high school senior, using her beautiful voice to lead the crowd in singing our national anthem, the event’s theme was established: the problem is not our foundation; the problem is this state and country’s leadership.
From Brett Corrigan’s hosting of the event and Peter Christos’ rendition of why it’s past time to “Fire Pritzker” and why Darren Bailey is the candidate to rectify the wrongs in Illinois, the youthful energy was palpable. And with young leaders so present, it is easy to understand why the tone exuded positive and hopeful energy.
Two highlights from some of the finest of our state’s youth:
- Jenna and Kenna Rose, two Generation Z voters, took the stage to voice their enthusiastic support of the Bailey/Trussell campaign. Likening the task ahead of them to the need of slaying dragons, their insights were spot on. These young ladies are taking a stand through their podcast, Self-Evident, with their first episode dropping on May 2. It promises to be “dedicated to speaking truths that once were self-evident, and doing so in love.”
- High School student Kennedi Maldaner’s satire of the “blessing” of her woke education drove home the point of our need to protest against what is being thrust on students in Illinois classrooms. Pointing out the discrepancy between the truth as presented by her parents and the lies presented in the classroom, Kennedi enthused that it is time to Fire Pritzker and take a stand for promoting an education of morality and integrity.
Also a highlight of the event were the heartfelt, down-to-earth words shared by Lieutenant Governor Candidate Stephanie Trussell. Not only does she bring the knowledge and experience of a wife and grandmother to the team, having been born and raised on Chicago’s west side by her mother( who was barely 17 when she chose LIFE for Stephanie), Trussell’s knowledge of the city is the perfect complement to Bailey’s farming and downstate background. Trussell made it clear she is ready to take a stand to restore Illinois.
Echoing the patriotism of Trump’s Make America Great Again rallies, perhaps the most emotional moment occurred when Proud to Be an American by Lee Greenwood began to play as Bailey entered the theater. As the crowd joined in, hearts united through the words, Darren Bailey and his beautiful wife Cindy were hand-in-hand on stage, prayer-like, singing along:
And I’m proud to be an American
Where at least I know I’m free
And I won’t forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I’d gladly stand up next to you
And defend Her still today
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt
I love this land
God Bless the U.S.A.
The message was clear. It is time to stand! This is our state, our movement, our time to Make Illinois Great Again!
Take ACTION: Click HERE to find out more about Gubernatorial Candidate Darren Bailey and Lieutenant Governor Candidate Stephanie Trussell. Check out the online version of the IFI Voter Guide for other important races and stay tuned for IFA’s list of endorsed candidates!
Also, please consider voting early to make sure that your ballot isn’t cast for you by those who want to steal the election. Early voting begins May 19th.
Lynn Tabb came to saving faith in Christ at the age of 12 which has provided her decades of a life directed by His Word. This direction led her to choose a godly husband (Ed Tabb); together they have raised six children, homeschooled for the past 30 years, and will graduate their youngest from homeschool high school this spring. Ed and Lynn have 3 married children and 4 grandchildren.
For the past 15 years, Lynn has taught high school English and Government courses through local homeschool co-ops. During this adventure, it has been her desire to equip, in particular, homeschoolers to be effective communicators for a variety of reasons: to protect the reputation of homeschoolers, to give homeschool high school graduates the necessary skills to succeed in whatever direction the Lord takes them, and to equip young people to share the truth of God’s Word with a world that so desperately needs it.
You can follow Lynn on Truth Social: @introspectivebeat 83; on Twitter: @LynnBowmanTabb; and on Instagram: @Introspectivebeat83