Illinois’ Vitally Important Midterm Primary Election
Written by David E. Smith
The June 28th Primary Election is just three months away. While we have no way to know what major political/social events may take place during the time in the run-up to this state primary election and then the national election in November, we do know how tumultuous the past two years have been for families in this state, and throughout the nation.
To further complicate matters, we will vote in this cycle for candidates who are running in newly drawn districts. Many of us will not see much of a change, but others will be voting for candidates with whom they are not familiar. These districts will be in effect for the next decade.
Despite how much is at stake and how important it is for Christian conservatives to vote in accordance with their biblical values, the fact is that turnout for primary elections in Illinois is pitifully low. According to an article by the Center for Illinois Politics,
If the trend of the last 44 years continues this fall, nearly half of Illinois registered voters will take a pass on casting a ballot for governor, attorney general, secretary of state and the rest of the statewide offices.
In other words, people just don’t vote in the midterm election, and this is especially true in the primary election.
The Democratic Party’s Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts in Illinois in recent election cycles have succeeded to the point where even Republican-leaning collar counties such as Lake, Will, Kane and DuPage went “blue.” To be competitive in 2022 and in 2024, conservatives must do more to get their supporters to the polls. This is especially true if the pundits’ predictions of a “red wave” election is to come to fruition. It would be foolish not to take advantage of the political winds that seem to favor pro-family, pro-liberty candidates.
Illinois Family Action is hoping to raise $30k in order to run an effective GOTV campaign in key districts this spring. We believe that now is the perfect time for a major effort to increase Christian voters in Illinois who will register and vote in the June 28th primary election.
We are uniquely positioned to tap our network of churches and hundreds of volunteers to not only get out the vote but also and especially get out the early vote. Building on the experience of seasoned campaign veterans, a project targeting the pro-family churches in competitive legislative districts has the potential to increase the turnout of like-minded voters. If just 100 voters cast an early ballot in 25 churches, that is an assured 2,500 votes per district. This could make a huge difference!
IFA has plans to reach and encourage those who have been consistently unreached, despite the millions of dollars spent on TV and radio ads and direct mail every election year. But substantial funds are necessary to undertake such an effort, as it will require direct mailings, robo-calls and strategic social media outreach. We can only do this with your help.
Please prayerfully consider helping us meet this goal.
Thank you for investing God’s resources–time, prayers and money–in IFA’s mission to defend marriage, family and the sanctity of human life.
Donations to Illinois Family Action (IFA) are not tax-deductible under IRS guidelines.