SPOTLIGHT: Romania and the Rights Removed

Written by David E. Smith

On this edition of Spotlight, we feature the inspiring story of Virginia Prodan. Growing up in the communist regime of Romanian dictator, Nicolae Ceaușescu, Virginia’s passionate pursuit of truth led her to law school and a career as an attorney. In her interview with Monte Larrick, she describes how God used an appointment with a client to open her eyes to the Truth of the Gospel and relates the amazing story of the encounter that prompted the title of her book, Saving My Assassin.

Drawing from her life experience under communist rule, Virginia offers an opportune warning for America, as socialism looms on our horizon, and also shares valuable advice for parents. You will definitely want to recommend this special podcast to family and friends!

Virginia Prodan is a human rights attorney, author, and accomplished public speaker. You can learn more about her ministry here and purchase her book here.