FDA Allows Mail-Order Abortions Across The U.S.

Written by David E. Smith

A “temporary” COVID pandemic regulation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has now been made permanent and allows women across the country to purchase their own chemical abortion kit without ever seeing a doctor. The FDA announced last week that it is lifting the requirement that the first pill (mifepristone) in the two-part abortion drug regimen be dispensed in-person. Now, women nationwide can obtain abortion pills through the mail and then perform their own private abortions at home.

The FDA’s policy change clears the way for “certified healthcare providers” to prescribe abortion pills online and send them via mail anywhere in the country. Some companies have said they will even disregard state-level laws and regulations and ship the medication wherever there are “women who need access to safe abortions.” Yet there is evidence that side effects are common and dangerous. They include the following:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Uterine and stomach cramps
  • Back pain
  • Low potassium
  • Severe allergic reactions
  • Incomplete abortion

Other less serious side effects include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Joint and head pain
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Fluid retention
  • An overgrowth of the uterine lining

While the FDA argues that “the benefits of the product outweigh the risks,” this is far from true. The risks of chemical abortions to the baby and the mother cannot be overstated. The two-part abortion drug regimen—also referred to as RU-486—consists of mifepristone, which is administered to starve an unborn baby of progesterone, followed by misoprostol, which causes cramping followed by the expulsion of a dead human from his or her mother’s womb. Having a chemical abortion at home without medical oversight increases the risks for infection and prolonged hemorrhaging.

Here is more information about the complications and risks of chemical abortions:

Analysis: FDA Decision Ignores Data on Complications, Puts Women at Risk (Charlotte Lozier Institute)

Chemical Abortion: FDA Ignores ‘Inconvenient’ Science and Data Confirming Public Health Threat (Charlotte Lozier Institute)

Study: Abortion Pill is Four Times More Dangerous Than Surgical Abortion (Live Action)

4 Abortion Pill Stories Show It’s NOT Risk-Free (Human Life International)

Illinois Family Institute joins pro-life warriors and organizations from across the nation in condemning and lamenting this expansion of infanticide.

“The child, by reason of higher physical and mental immaturity,
needs special safeguards and care,
including appropriate legal protection,

before as well as after birth.”
~UNs’ Declaration of the Rights of the Child, Nov. 1959