SPOTLIGHT: The Equality Act, Valiant Valedictorians, and Religious Freedom
While attending the National Religious Broadcasters Convention near Dallas, Monte Larrick had the opportunity to speak with Kelly Shackelford, President and CEO of First Liberty Institute, the largest legal firm in the U.S. solely focused on protecting religious freedom for all Americans. Their conversation begins with a discussion of the dangers of the Equality Act, or as Newt Gingrich calls it “the LGBT Supremacy Act.” Mr. Shackelford explains how passage of this act would gut the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) by launching a far-reaching assault on religious freedom in all areas of society.
Monte and Mr. Shackelford examine how the Equality Act facilitates the Left’s redefinition of the word “sex,” affects parental, student, employer and employee rights, and also advances abortion. Additionally, Mr. Shackelford shares about some of the cases First Liberty Institute has successfully defended and he encourages parents to get involved (run for office!) with their local school board.
To learn more about First Liberty Institute and Kelly Shackelford, click HERE and HERE.
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