SPOTLIGHT: 2021 Legislative Update
Written by Benjamin Smith
Just when Illinoisans thought things couldn’t get any worse, the Illinois State Legislature’s spring session sets out to prove us all wrong. On this week’s podcast, Monte Larrick and David Smith discuss several of the reprehensible, sin-enabling bills that are on the Democratic Party’s agenda for the 102nd General Assembly. Monte and David emphasize the urgent need for parents to remove their children from public schools ASAP, an action necessitated in part by the recently approved “Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards” amendment. On a more hopeful note, the podcast concludes with a glimpse of future IFI and IFA education campaigns, as well as information about an IFI Worldview Conference scheduled for May.
Stay tuned to Spotlight for more details!
ACTION: Please talk to your state lawmakers and ask them to oppose the repeal of the Parental Notice of Abortion act, the REACH act, extension of sex-ed, racist CRT teaching standards, and other bills that oppose biblical values. Find out more about the bills here, and pinpoint your elected officials here. The capitol switchboard number is (217) 782-2000.
Discover more about this weekend’s Peoria homeschool convention HERE.
Check out the Illinois Christian Home Educators family convention and website.