Joliet Junior College Board of Trustees
Members of the staff and the board of directors of Illinois Family Action have been vetting candidates throughout the state, looking to endorse good Christian conservative candidates for local office. We have a great recommendation for you in the race for Joliet Junior College Board of Trustees. Camielle Holcombe.
Running for Joliet Junior College Board of Trustees, Camielle is a wife and mother of two boys. She holds a bachelor of science degree in P-12 Art Education, with experience in management. She submitted this statement to us for consideration and publication:
The community has suffered this past year. With schools becoming increasingly politicized, we need board members to uphold a neutral stance to keep education focused on enhancing student success. If we truly wish to build the community, we need to invest in and facilitate education and enrollment, especially in areas experiencing the most hardship. We also need to understand that tuition and tax increases are excessively burdensome at this time.
As a board, we need to prioritize JJC in three ways:
- Affordability – by keeping costs down
- Relevancy – by expanding the trades programs
- Connecting with the community – by bolstering communication amongst the college, high schools and beyond.
I look forward to working with school, other board members, the President and the community to be the best advocate for students and their futures.
At IFA, we hope you’ll take seriously, your responsibility to vote in the upcoming Consolidated Election on or before April 6th. We cannot over emphasize the importance of your participation in these local elections.
If you have questions, want to join IFA or would like to help with this election, please contact us at IllinoisFamilyAction.org and remember, for Joliet Junior College Board of Trustees, vote for the Camielle Holcombe.
Thank you and God Bless You!
David E. Smith
Illinois Family Action