Arin Thrower for Dundee Township Supervisor
There are two current Dundee Township Trustees (Republicans) running for re-election. They are Ken Schaefer and Richard Ahrens. Susan Romano and Henry Kolff are also running.
Chris Kemp is running for Township Supervisor and Autumn Sheppard is running for Clerk.
Sue Harney, who is a current Trustee, is also running for re-election. She has been on the Board as both a Supervisor and Trustee for the Township for more than 16 years and has always run as a Republican. This year, she has switched over to run as a Democrat. She has recruited a full-slate and has vocally supported the current Supervisor (my opponent) who is recently accused of (which FOIA’d documents support) conducting work for the Township via her own personal IT company for the past 4 years. She apologized at a recent meeting (after the FOIA and a watchdog group brought it to her attention), but the lack of common sense and lack of transparency is disappointing.
The current supervisor has also been deficit spending for the last 3 years and has proposed two tax increases in 2020 (one passed for 708 mental health board) and one failed (for operating expenses).
Over the past 4 years, she has made dozens of negative posts against police, President Donald J. Trump, and Christians. She has removed those from her Facebook account, but the GOP group has screenshots of the hate she’s been putting out towards others who have different views from her.
While my opponent wishes to grow government, my vision is different. I believe that the Township has created redundancies and programs that are unnecessary and unsustainable and I look forward to working with the staff, volunteers, our local municipalities, and the residents, to make sure that the Township is operating efficiently and effectively in all that we do.
Please visit my website and you can call or email at any time.
Arin Thrower
Dundee Township Patriot