SPOTLIGHT: “We’ve Been Here Before” Says Dr. Allan Carlson

Written by David E. Smith

For our first Spotlight of 2021, we begin with a topic that is at the heart of the mission of IFI: the family. Monte Larrick and Dr. Allan C. Carlson, founder of the World Congress of Families, begin by defining social conservatism and contrasting it with “decadent liberalism.” Dr. Carlson offers advice to pastors and churches to abandon the losing strategy of settling for religious exemptions and opting for isolationism, and instead take a stand for Christian family ethics and Christian sexual ethics. He also offers hope that we can turn back the tide of cultural depravity if we focus on biblical principles and actively promote the message of the natural family.

After the break, Dr. Carlson details the history of the World Congress of Families, its strong success in Russia, and the ways in which it is expanding pro-family activism around the world. Dr. Carlson and Monte also discuss the influence of social conservatism on the Republican party and the viability of a pro-family third party in American politics.

To learn more about the work of  Dr. Carlson and others on behalf of families around the world and to read current news updates, please visit these websites: IOF – International Organization for the Family, International Family News, and the journal The Natural Family.