SPOTLIGHT: A Tribute to A Christian Warrior
Written by Benjamin Smith
A hero on the front lines of the abortion war has passed on. Joseph Scheidler, the founder and national director of the Pro-Life Action League, has died at the age of 93. Mr. Scheidler’s impact on the battle for the life of unborn generations is incalculable. Besides his personal influence on pastors and other leaders, Mr. Scheidler was a street warrior, a relentlessly active presence at hundreds of protests and demonstrations at Chicago area abortion mills. The fruit of his work is readily visible, and now we eagerly await the multiplication of those fruits after his death (John 12:24-26).
This interview is our tribute to Mr. Scheidler and his untold accomplishments. Appropriately, it was recorded at a Face the Truth Tour event six months ago on July 15, 2020. Joe, then age 92, was witnessing for life in the heat and humidity of an Illinois summer. In light of such passion and dedication, what’s your excuse?
Joe Scheidler’s memoir, “Racketeer for Life,” is available here. If you would like to make a memorial contribution to the work of the Pro-Life Action League, please call 773-777-2900.