SPOTLIGHT: Rev. Graham Says, “Only God Can Fix It”
Written by David E. Smith
Is 2020 the worst year ever? With the combination of a global pandemic, violence, looting, rioting, and devastating wildfires, plus the drama of a fiercely contested general election, this year might seem to be a strong contender for such a dubious honor. So, what should a Christian do when faced with 2020’s chaos and uncertainty? According to Rev. Franklin Graham we must put our trust in Almighty God!
Although this interview took place just prior to IFI’s 2019 Faith, Family & Freedom Banquet, Rev. Graham’s godly wisdom, encouragement, and practical advice ring true now more than ever. Please listen as Rev. Graham explains why we must be politically engaged by being informed, prayerful, and committed to upholding our values with our vote.
Rev. Franklin Graham is the head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse.
HELP: Our get-out-the-vote campaign is up and running. We are distributing the IFI Voter Guide to hundreds of churches, civic groups and tea party organizations. Will you financially support our endeavor to educate Illinois voters and promote Christian family values?