SPOTLIGHT: Jeanne Ives and Mark Curran
Written by David E. Smith
As Election Day nears, political lawn signs have sprouted like dandelions after a soaking rain and mailboxes are bursting with candidates’ mailers. This week, Monte and I take a deep dive into the important issues and details you won’t find on a lawn sign or an oversized postcard. Our Spotlight guests are Jeanne Ives, Republican candidate for Illinois’s 6th congressional district seat, currently held by Sean Casten, and Mark Curran, Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate seat which Dick Durbin has occupied since 1997.
We start off our time together with an important question: what’s at stake in this election? The short answer is: the truth! Jeanne Ives and Mark Curran discuss how they will approach the critical issues of religious freedom, pro-life protections, movements to overturn the Hyde Amendment and eliminate freedom of conscience legislation, healthcare, taxation, social security, legalization and decriminalization of drugs, China, and more.
Ives and Curran also field questions concerning social media censorship, the leftist trend toward socialism and even communism, school choice, pension reform, and state bailouts. Please listen and share!
Become involved! More information about the candidates’ campaigns can be found HERE for Jeanne Ives and HERE for Mark Curran.
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