SPOTLIGHT: Rally for Jesus (Part I)
Written by Benjamin Smith
This edition of Spotlight features Illinois State Representative Darren Bailey and IFI Executive Director David Smith as they address attendees at a recent Rally for Jesus at Calvary Church in Orland Park. David relates how the current moral and cultural climate of our state and nation is expressed in Matthew 24:12 and he calls for individual and national repentance from sin that distracts us from serving and glorifying God.
Representative Bailey recounts his journey from farmer to school board member to state representative and he issues a challenge to the Church and her members to wake up and become involved in the political process.
Please listen and share with your friends and neighbors!
Darren Bailey is the current Illinois State Representative for the 109th district and the Republican candidate for State Senate in the 55th district. Rep. Bailey and his wife, Cindy, are the founders of Full Armor Christian Academy in Louisville, Illinois.
Both Rep. Bailey and David Smith detail numerous issues that we would do well to earnestly commit to prayer. Are you willing to take the next step and become a part of the IFI Prayer Team or a member of IFI’s Gideon’s Army? Please click these links for more information.
Make sure your vote counts in November! Check HERE to verify that your voter registration, including name and address information, is valid and up-to-date. New voters can also register online HERE.
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P.S. Our get-out-the-vote campaign is up and running. Will you financially support our endeavor to educate Illinois voters and promote family values?