SPOTLIGHT: Pro-Life Veteran Joe Scheidler and Face the Truth Tours
Written by David E. Smith
Even as front-line medical workers valiantly attempt to save lives during the COVID-19 pandemic, the lives of thousands of unborn babies are callously and violently ended every day in abortion clinics throughout the United States. Longtime pro-life activist Joseph Scheidler isn’t letting the pandemic stop his mission to save unborn lives! Monte Larrick caught up with him at a recent Face the Truth tour near the Planned Parenthood abortorium in Flossmoor, Illinois.
Mr. Scheidler shares how Face the Truth tours are changing hearts and minds with graphic photos that show both the reality of abortion and humanize the unborn child. Additionally, he stresses that pro-life supporters must put their prayers into action, especially at the ballot box in the November election.
After the break, Monte and Mr. Scheidler consider where Illinois stands in the battle for life and how citizens can change our state’s disastrous pursuit of abortion infamy. They also discuss the hypocrisy and “annihilation culture” of the Black Lives Matter movement, a pro-life victory in the Supreme Court, and President Trump’s strong support for the unborn.
Joe Scheidler is the founder and National Director of the Pro-Life Action League. His most recent book, Racketeer for Life can be purchased here or by phoning (773) 777-2900.
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