Conservative Interns Needed For Mark Batinick Campaign
Dear Friends,
As many of you know, Mark Batinick is running for a fourth term in the 97th House District. We know Mark to be the only candidate in this very important race with the leadership and character to uphold the values so important to us and many Americans.
Mark is looking for help with his campaign through the summer and into the November 3rd election. His campaign is looking for up to 20 interns who will get amazing paid experience.
Mark and his wife Ellen are raising five children in Plainfield. He is also an active volunteer and supporter of numerous civic and charitable organizations in our community. Mark regularly coaches youth soccer and has also coached basketball.
Mark is currently a commercial real estate broker and owner of a home services company. The vast majority of his clients are small business owners. As a result, Mark has directly witnessed the negative effects of Illinois’ hostile taxation and regulation policies in recent years.
This race affects all of us, regardless of which district we live in. This is a top-tier race we cannot afford to lose to Madigan and the Chicago Democrats who rule the state.
We need ALL Illinois hands on deck!
Campaign work can be done remotely from your home by making phone calls, creating and sharing posts on social media, and other activities. The campaign is holding meetings and will be providing training via Zoom meetings.
Join me in helping Mark return to Springfield to do the hard work that needs to be done! We will all benefit from him being in the Illinois House of Representatives for two more years.
To apply, please send an email to Deb Kraulidis at deb4batinick@gmail.com or call her at (708) 557-9876.
Thank you in advance for helping this bold pro-life, fiscally conservative patriot cross the finish line first on Tuesday, November 3rd!
David E. Smith, Executive Director
Illinois Family Action
P.O. Box 93
Mokena, Illinois 60448
Main: (708) 781-9371
Fax: (708) 781-9376
“Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground.”
~ Frederick Douglass