Mary Miller’s Open Letter to Pastors & Church Leaders
Dear Pastor and Church Leaders,
My name is Mary Miller; I am running for Congress in your district, IL-15.
I would love to share with your congregation who I am, why I am running, and how I would represent this district in Congress.
I have always thought it was important for people of faith to be involved in the political process. For most of my life I never really had political aspirations, but I have always asked God to show me opportunities to “overcome evil with good”. Now I have that opportunity with my run for Congress.
Support and endorsements from people and groups who know I am an authentic Christian Conservative have been overwhelming! I have been endorsed by Illinois Family Action, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, former gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives, the Susan B. Anthony List, Freedom Works and the U.S. House Freedom Caucus to name a few.
I have lived in this district for over 40 years, and together with my husband, have run our family farm, raised our 7 children and have been involved in various community and church activities.
I support President Trump and will fight for the America First Agenda, including securing our borders, defending our 2nd Amendment rights, and standing up to radical socialists. I am pro-life and have signed a term limit pledge.
If you could make my information available to the members of your congregation, I would greatly appreciate it. If anyone has any questions they would like to ask me or if they might be interested in making calls or walking doors with me, please email me at marymillerforcongress@gmail.com.
I look forward to meeting you and sharing with your congregation.
In Christ,
Mary Miller
Candidate for Congress (15th District)