SPOTLIGHT: The Importance of the March for Life Chicago
Written by David E. Smith
In advance of this Saturday’s March for Life Chicago, Eric Scheidler, executive director of the Pro-Life Action League joined Monte Larrick to talk about the 2020 rally, march, and convention. Eric explains why a mass gathering of visible and vocal pro-life individuals is so important in a state with such a huge disconnect between the majority of citizens who espouse pro-life beliefs and a legislature that is determined to make Illinois the abortion capitol of the nation.
Monte and Eric also discuss the exciting and encouraging involvement of youth and young adults in the pro-life movement. (Watch this YouTube promo.)
After the break, Eric details the work and focus of the Pro-Life Action League. He also emphasizes contacting legislators (and gives tips for in-person interaction) regarding the legislature’s stated desire to repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. Eric and Monte consider some of the tragic consequences that will result if this act is repealed and if the categories of individuals who can legally give consent for a minor to obtain an abortion are expanded. Finally, could Planned Parenthood become an accepted feature in your neighborhood public schools? – listen and find out.
It’s not too late to lend your voice and presence to March for Life Chicago 2020! For more information on how you can participate this Saturday, visit March for Life Chicago.
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