SPOTLIGHT: We Are A Forgetful People
Written by David E. Smith
The rotunda of the Illinois State Capitol is the setting for this edition of Spotlight. Monte Larrick interviewed Delbra Pratt of the Illinois Prayer Caucus Network following the December 3rd dedication of the nativity scene on display in the rotunda. They discuss the important messages that a nativity scene sends when featured in the public square and contrast that with the messages of the displays of the Freedom from Religion Foundation and the Chicago chapter of The Satanic Temple.
Delbra Pratt encourages believers to link their prayer with action – to stand against the spirit of death by actively affirming life – and she and Monte enumerate the resulting consequences as our state (and nation) opens the door to welcome the spirit of death. The podcast concludes with information regarding the purpose and focus of the Illinois Prayer Caucus Network.
If you would like more information about the prayer caucus, please contact State Director Pratt at
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