SPOTLIGHT: “Armor Up” Says Christian Attorney John Mauck
Written by Benjamin Smith
Christian attorney John Mauck of the Mauck & Baker law firm here in Chicago joins Monte Larrick to discuss the legal side of social issues. Specifically: suppressing evangelistic efforts in Millennium Park; a measure in Congress which would deprive organizations on the SPLC “hate-list” of their tax-exempt status; SCOTUS reviewing LGBTQ reparative therapy and discrimination laws and tangible things we should do to combat them. In the second half of the show, they discuss the “Equality Act” and other cases Mauck & Baker are involved in here in the State of Illinois.
John Mauck has been an attorney for over 40 years, representing churches and ministries in Chicago to insure land use for religious groups in restricted areas of the city, among other issues. His work in drafting the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, which became federal law in 2000, has helped congregations across the country freely worship.
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