Chicago Mayor Vows to Obstruct the Deportation of Illegal Aliens

Written by Timothy J. Dailey

Last week as the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) reportedly conducted the biggest one-day sweep in U.S. history, picking up 680 illegal workers in Mississippi, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has reiterated that her city will not enforce immigration laws.

At a press conference, Lightfoot charged ICE with “terrorizing” and “traumatizing” immigrants, and defiantly stated that the city had “taken measures over the past few weeks to ensure the Chicago Police Department will not cooperate with ICE.”  “They will not team up with ICE to detain any resident,” she added.  “We have also cut off ICE access from any CPD databases and that will remain permanent.  Chicago is and will always be a welcoming city that will never tolerate ICE tearing our families apart.”

Ironically – and inexcusably – this is the second time in as many months that Chicago’s first black and openly-gay Mayor has stirred up controversy.  Last month she was caught on a live microphone insulting a local police union leader, calling him a “clown,” during a city council meeting.  The Fraternal Order of Police Chicago (FOP) chapter called Lightfoot’s offhand comment “dangerous.”  “Mayor Lightfoot’s contemptuous remark is a misguided and dangerous thing to say to a 30-year veteran police officer and FOP representative, particularly at a time when the city is facing such chronic violent crime.”

For his part, President Donald Trump is standing his ground regarding enforcing immigration laws duly passed by the U.S. Congress.  This week marks the beginning of a series of raids by ICE agents that will round up 2,000 illegal aliens in 10 cities who were subject to “catch and release” but failed to appear in court to determine their eligibility to remain in the U.S., and as such were ordered to be removed in absentia.

The Mayor’s actions are revealed to be inexcusable with the news that the raids will largely target illegal aliens who appear as felons and other criminals in police databases.

In the end, Lightfoot’s grand law-defying “Sanctuary Chicago” scheme may be thwarted by fact that other federal agencies, including the FBI, have access to the police databases.  These dedicated agents who apparently show more respect for the law than Chicago’s Mayor, can – and will – cooperate, as noted by a police spokesman: “All other federal agencies still have access to these systems,” the spokesman wrote in an e-mail, “as sharing this information is crucial to active criminal investigations in which we are partnering with federal agencies along with intelligence sharing functions that are vital to national homeland security functions.”

Last month a self-proclaimed member of antifa, armed with powerful incendiary bombs and a rifle, was shot dead by police during a violent attack on an ICE facility in Washington state.  The lawless actions of Chicago’s Mayor will only stoke the flames of the nascent anarchist movement that has brought the nation to the brink of the unimaginable specter of open civil war.

Read more: Illinois Bans Landlords From Reporting Tenants to Immigration Officials

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